
Agile Teams

  • Workflow

    The 3 Key Roles in an Agile Team

    In an agile environment, there's no successful sprint or project without a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ agile team. They have all it takes to achieve big goals within short time frames. How? Everyone in the team knows its power and how to use it. 🧙The end result is achieving big goals without burning out.

    An agile team's structure is step one to succeeding at agile development. Take the example of fire brigades. Would a fire brigade put out fires if they didn't have the right members, lieutenant, or captain? The answer is short: nope. The team structure is quintessential.

    Therefore, in an agile development process, each member should know what each role involves in the team. Today, we'll go over the roles in an agile team and a few characteristics of great agile teams. But first, we should talk a bit about what an agile team is.

    What’s an agile team?

    In each development cycle — or sprint — of an agile project, each agile team iterates the product according to customer feedback. That increases the speed of product development 🏃 and the efficiency of that process. And in each iteration, the team releases or launches either a new or improved product functionality.

    Agile teams have similar characteristics. They should be:

    • Small — 5-6 members
    • Focused on hitting the target on time
    • Coordinated in terms of task execution
    • Conscious of the contribution from each role
    • Flexible to allow members to be proactive and excel themselves
    • Tolerant of changing customer needs

    However, the structure of agile teams depends on the agile framework. For instance, you can have a Scrum team or a Kanban team. And whereas the Scrum-based roles are well-defined, Kanban-based teams are not.

    At this point, we should discuss the structure of an agile team. Head over to the next section. 👇

    The skeleton of an agile team

    An agile team is composed of 3️⃣ main roles. Both teams' and companies' continuous improvement needs to have the right people playing the right role. Let's go over those roles one by one.

    Product Owner

    The Product Owner is the player with the deepest knowledge of the product. They eat, drink, and breathe the product.

    They're the supreme advocates of the product. So, when something isn't right with the product, they should know that quickly. Plus, they know exactly how the product contributes to the company's vision and goals. 🎯

    Their communication skills 🎙️ must be top-notch as most of their job requires:

    • Triggering the team to engage with and undertake important product developments
    • Intervening to adjust that process if and when necessary
    • Changing plans if absolutely necessary
    • Responding to variable customer needs

    In a sprint, the goal is an increment of complete work. At the end of the day, the Product Owner defines and communicates the goals and quality expectations. 📣

    The top priority of Product Owners is the customer and customer needs. In that sense, a Product Owner interfaces between the customer and the rest of the team. They also get customer feedback.

    The Product Owner also creates and manages the product backlog. Additionally, they review deliverables before product release or launch. 🧐

    Bear in mind: The Product Owner aims at maximizing product value. And the only way to achieve that is through teamwork.

    Sometimes, in tiny companies, the Product Owner may be the CEO.

    Some agile events are especially important for a Product Owner:

    • Sprint planning. This agile ceremony’s goal is to prepare the iteration. It’s the right time and place for the Product Owner to present the product backlog to the Team Members and answer their questions.
    • Sprint review. That’s the meeting to showcase work done throughout the iteration. The Product Owner gathers feedback from external stakeholders and internal staff and answers their questions. After the review, the Product Owner might adjust the product backlog and release complete product functionality.

    Scrum Master

    Whereas the Product Owner is product-focused, the Scrum Master is process-focused. They're concerned with:

    • Ensuring that the team follows the best agile practices for the context they're working in
    • Inspecting the work progress of Team Members daily to make sure they meet the deadlines
    • Giving constructive feedback to Team Members on how they're performing
    • Safeguarding the time of Team Members so they can dedicate themselves to what delivers the most value
    • Getting customer feedback from the Product Owner
    • Making sure that the Product Owner is clear about the goal and quality expectations
    • Guiding the team throughout the sprint, clarifying any doubts about tasks and their execution
    • Motivating Team Members
    • Remove any blockage to a Team Members' success

    The Scrum Master is also the one who manages the Scrum board. This board should be up-to-date and detailed at all times.

    Managers with an extensive resume of successful product development projects are good candidates for Scrum Master. They know from experience where execution can go wrong and what to do to prevent or amend that. They're also great at assessing progress. 📈

    Here's how the Scrum Master takes part in agile events:

    • Sprint planning. The Scrum Master facilitates this ceremony and participates in effort or story point estimations.
    • Daily stand-up. During this meeting, the Scrum Master focuses on clearing all the barriers in the way of the Team Member’s success. And if the development process should change, the Scrum Master will make sure that happens.
    • Sprint review. The Scrum Master prepares this event in terms of logistics. When external stakeholders attend the meeting, it must go smoothly.
    • Sprint retrospective. During this ceremony, Team Members should discuss what went wrong during the iteration. The Scrum Master should encourage a spirit of sharing and transparency, not only about technical and procedural aspects but also relational issues.

    Team Member

    These are the ultimate doers. ⛑️ Depending on the type of product, they may be developers, UX designers, and many other kinds of professionals.

    Of course, depending on their skills, their role within the team varies. Nevertheless, they're the ones accountable for implementing amazing deliverables on time.

    They're usually autonomous and creative, regardless of working together as a group, supporting each other. Actually, Team Members complement each other in terms of skills and experience. ☯️

    It's not uncommon to find Team Members discussing ideas on how to work faster and easier. It can be a new tool or a new technique, for instance. And a single Team Member can belong to multiple teams.

    Now, what else can we tell you about ideal Team Members?

    • They trust and support each other much more. At the same time, they capitalize on each other's strengths and collaborate extensively. In the end, you should notice that the work flows smoothly.
    • They learn and mentor one another. One day, a Team Member might teach another, and the day after, they might learn from the member they taught. This is continuous mentoring.
    • With a shared skillset, Team Members are better equipped to support each other. They're also better prepared to switch technical specialties if needed.
    • Team Members question success and come up with alternative ways of pushing continuous improvement all the time. It's in their 🧬, which means that they can't help it. And that's a great trait, as it's key to continuously growing products.
    • Last, Team Members push themselves to deliver the absolute best outcome from an iteration.

    Note: Project stakeholders are usually not part of the agile team itself, yet they're part of the overall equation. They might be members of the C suite, marketers, or anyone requesting or reviewing work from the team.

    Here are team members' roles during the following agile events:

    • Sprint planning. Team Members discuss the product backlog with the Product Owner to decide on the work that they will complete during the iteration.
    • Daily stand-up. Every day, Team Members briefly describe the status of their work and what they’ll do next. If they have any blockages, they should ask for help.
    • Sprint review. Team Members showcase complete work.
    • Sprint retrospective. During this event, Team Members should talk about problems they faced along the iteration. Those can be technical problems, problems with the way they worked or interpersonal problems.

    Majestic agile teams

    Winning any team challenge would be a nightmare without a carefully thought out structure. Everyone's role in an agile team should be crystal clear. That's the basis for everybody to feel that they're contributing to the goal in a valuable way.

    There are no individuals in the daily life of a great agile team. They aim for group success, not individual achievements. An agile team is a group of professionals who work together to achieve sprint goals. Long story short: no teamwork, no agile team.

    Want to set your agile team up for success? Check out Easy Agile Programs or Easy Agile User Story Maps.

  • Agile Best Practice

    5 Steps to Lay the Tracks for Your Agile Release Train

    Your company has finally committed to practicing Scrum. WOOT!! 🎉 The promised land is laid out before you — self-organizing teams, sustainable delivery pace, and autonomy to do the right thing for the product and the team. You can't wait to get started! (Spoiler alert: There's an agile release train in your future.)

    That was three months ago. Today, your product development organization is a hot mess. Teams are delivering the wrong work at the right time. Code is stuck on a shelf waiting for another team to deliver a dependency. And upper management is thinking about pulling the plug and going back to the older waterfall days.

    If you work in a large organization with 50+ software developers and engineers, Scrum can be a tough nut to crack. The larger the organization, the more likely you'll have cross-team dependencies, scheduling conflicts, and challenges creating transparency between the business, product, and engineering teams. But fear not...

    SAFe to the rescue! SAFe is short for scaled agile framework. Intended to help large companies implement Scrum, SAFe provides a framework for coordinating work across many Scrum teams.

    Part of the SAFe framework is the concept of an agile release train (ART). If you're not familiar with ARTs, you're in the right place. We'll explain what an ART is, why it helps large companies deliver software solutions more efficiently, and how you can start an ART at your company.

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    So, what is an agile release train?

    First, let's explain the train metaphor. A train goes down the tracks intending to reach a specific destination. Along the way, the train may stop at multiple depots and add new cargo or passengers. Your software solution is the train tracks. Team contributions to that solution are the new cargo you pick up at the depots. And, the destination is the business value delivered to your users. Simple enough, huh?

    ARTs help a group of teams stay aligned on the business purpose of their work and coordinate the delivery of solutions. Your teams are probably organized by function or value stream. An ART identifies the input and timing of each team's contributions that help achieve the business objective for the value stream. Think of it as cross-functional coordination on steroids.

    Here are some basic requirements for an ART:

    • The schedule is fixed so the scope is variable. But don't panic — once your teams have a consistent velocity, confidence in the scope will increase.
    • All teams must be on the same sprint and release cadence.
    • Each team follows the values and principles in the Agile Manifesto.
    • ARTs participate in planning events for program increments (PIs) and inspect and adapt (I&A) ceremonies, which are similar to retrospectives and system demos.
    • Innovation and planning (IP) iterations must be regularly scheduled between program increments. This provides your large team of individual agile teams time to innovate, update infrastructure, or indulge in some specialized training or a hot tech conference. IP iterations also offer a nice buffer in case your PI gets behind schedule.

    If your organization is large enough, you may need multiple agile release trains focused on independent value streams. If that's the case, you may need an additional level of coordination found in a solution train. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

    Principles of an agile release train

    An Agile Release Train (ART) takes its cues from the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) to ensure that multiple agile teams can align and collaborate seamlessly. Here are the core principles that guide an Agile Release Train:

    Fixed schedule

    ARTs adhere to a predefined schedule to deliver work consistently. This schedule is organized through Program Increments (PIs), which are typically 12 weeks long. The fixed cadence helps teams plan and deliver work efficiently.

    Bi-weekly cadence

    Much like individual agile teams work in sprints, ARTs operate in two-week segments known as system increments. This regular rhythm facilitates continuous progress and rapid feedback cycles.

    Known velocity

    The train's capacity to produce work in a given PI—referred to as velocity—is derived from historical performance data. By dividing projects into smaller tasks, teams can prioritize and deliver essential features more effectively.

    Develop on cadence, release on demand

    While development follows a rigid schedule, the release date is flexible and depends on project completion. This approach allows teams to continuously provide value to customers without being restricted by fixed release dates.

    Program increment planning

    PI planning is a cornerstone event where all agile teams within the ART come together, usually in person, to establish strategic objectives for the upcoming increment. This collaborative planning ensures everyone is aligned and working towards common goals.

    Innovation and planning

    At the end of each PI, teams participate in an innovation and planning (IP) event. This period is dedicated to planning the next increment, engaging in educational activities, and addressing infrastructure needs.

    Inspect and adapt

    To foster continuous improvement, ARTs hold an inspect and adapt (IA) event at the end of every PI. Teams assess their progress and identify areas for improvement through a problem-solving workshop, ensuring that they are always refining their processes and delivering better results.

    Roles in a SAFe agile release train

    Generally, teams use an ART in a Scrum environment, but, SAFe and agile release train concepts can apply to any agile methodology, including extreme programming (XP), Lean, or Kanban. Regardless of your chosen agile methodology, there are specific roles required to run an ART.

    Agile teams

    You can't have an ART without agile teams. Thank you, Captain Obvious. 🙄

    One difference between SAFe and traditional Scrum is that ARTs allow you to operate with teams dedicated to a specific function, like frontend or backend development, quality assurance, DevOps, security, and business or product functions. ART itself is cross-functional so your teams don't have to be.

    Each team is required to have a Scrum Master and Product Owner, just like in Scrum.

    Release train engineers (RTEs)

    Like Scrum Masters help their team members follow Scrum principles and best practices, release train engineers are servant leaders who do the same for the agile release train. RTEs help ensure the proper execution of program increments, remove blockers, manage risk, and work with the teams on improvements.

    Release train engineers typically report to an Agile Management Office, or in the case of Lean, the portfolio management team.

    Product managers

    While some traditional Scrum teams use both product managers and product owners, SAFe operates at such a scale that both roles are required. The product manager drives the vision, roadmap, and feature backlog while the product owner is responsible for defining the PI objective with the team and executing the functionality.

    Easy Agile Programs enables Release Train Engineers and Program Managers to effectively manage programs to deliver alignment at scale.

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    System architects

    Again, due to the scale at which SAFe teams operate, a system architect is required to design the high-level structure of the overall system, determine how each piece fits into the puzzle, and create stable integration points to bring data and processes into a centralized ERP.

    Business owners

    The business owners are responsible for achieving business outcomes like revenue or customer acquisition goals. As the primary stakeholder for ARTS, business owners operate at a strategic level and will participate in vision, roadmap, and program increment discussions. Their job is to ensure products are built to meet specific business objectives.


    Customers are the ultimate economic buyers or value users of the solution. Their feedback and needs are critical to the success of the ART.

    System teams

    System teams typically assist in building and maintaining development, continuous integration, and test environments. They play a crucial role in ensuring that the infrastructure supports the ART effectively.

    Shared services

    Shared services include specialists necessary for the success of an ART but who cannot be dedicated to a specific train. These often include data security experts, information architects, site reliability engineers (SRE), database administrators (DBAs), and many more.

    Get started with your agile release train

    So, you're ready to jump on the ART! Great! Let's walk through the steps to get you started on your journey.

    1. Start with training

    Don't skimp on this one. You likely started your agile practices with some training. Do the same here. All the hard work and best intentions in the world can't help you if you don't have a solid understanding of the basics.

    Along with training teams, you'll also want to train your leadership teams and executives. Just like when your company adopted agile principles, you'll want to make sure you have buy-in, an understanding of how agile release trains work, and the roles required to support them.

    2. Identify your value streams

    There are two types of value streams in SAFe: operational and development. An operational value stream focuses on delivering the value to end-users that was created by the development value stream. An example might be fulfilling an order from an eCommerce website.

    A development value stream focuses on developing the business solution, like building that eCommerce website.

    Identifying your value streams is important before selecting individuals and teams to work on the value stream and filling the additional roles required for the ART. Once the players have been chosen, you're ready to start planning.

    3. Prepare the program increment backlog

    It's time to refine your program backlog and get ready for PI planning. Planning and refining are best when you can meet face-to-face, but sometimes in large organizations, that's impossible. If you have a distributed team, make sure you have a good backlog tool like Jira to help facilitate virtual meetings.

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    Create your user stories at the program level to fit in a two-week timebox and plan your initial release. Until your teams have established a predictable velocity, leave some wiggle room in the iteration.

    4. Start the program increment

    Now, it's Scrum as usual. You have your sprint ready to go — just execute it like normal. At the end of the sprint, you can add your teams' contribution to the release train.

    5. Rinse and repeat

    Agile release trains are a continuous, iterative delivery mechanism. Just like traditional Scrum, your teams will build, release, learn, and then start building again. Don't forget to schedule an innovation and planning iteration to give the team a break from the train and time to improve their systems or their team.

    Are you ready to jump on board?

    SAFe and agile release trains help teams maintain agile development practices as they scale up in size. What may look complicated at first glance is actually a well-orchestrated process designed for team synchronization according to business value streams.

    Use the Scrum knowledge you have within the individual teams, and then train in SAFe practices and get prepared to build your first agile release train. You'll learn by doing but save yourself and your company some headaches and money and invest in training first.

    We've linked to some great learning articles throughout this piece, but here are a few more to help you jumpstart your SAFe learning:

    Good luck on your agile journey and stay SAFe! (Too corny??🤦🏽‍♀️)

  • Agile Best Practice

    12 Agile Principles to Motivate Your Team and Delight Your Customers

    At Easy Agile, we embrace agile principles (of course), and we strive to help software development teams put agile methodologies into practice. However, with so much to get done each day, it's easy to lose sight of the core principles of the agile manifesto.

    You're probably thinking that you read the agile principles before and now put them into practice...all day, every day. Why do we need to revisit them?

    You don't need to memorize the principles. They're much more of a guiding light than a rote process. But lining up the agile principles against your everyday agile practices provides reinforcement that you're putting them into action. This also helps you identify areas for improvement. 🙌

    The continued relevance of the agile manifesto's principles

    The agile manifesto focuses on:

    • Continuous improvement by responding to feedback and change
    • Allowing software developers and cross-functional teams to organize in a way that embraces collaboration and interaction
    • Involving customers in the development process and responding to their feedback

    The manifesto outlines 12 agile principles which are the bread and butter of agile software development. We'd like to provide practical context to these agile principles, so we're going to organize them into three categories — building working software by being organized, helping teams collaborate, and tactics for keeping customers happy.

    Getting organized so you can build working software

    agile principles: woman pointing at the monitor of the computer

    The first few agile principles we'll review revolve around the concept of working software — a product your customers can use as early in the software development process as possible. You’ll adapt it as you get feedback about what’s working well and what could be improved. This is in contrast to a waterfall methodology to development, which is a more linear approach that typically does not allow for iterative updates.

    Creating working software you can continuously update is one goal. But, that's easier said than done without the help of purpose-built tools like Jira, whose goal is to help agile teams manage their chosen agile framework, whether it be Kanban or Scrum. (You can read our guide on the differences between Kanban and Scrum...or how to use them together. 💪)

    Now, let’s look at which of the 12 agile principles fall into this category — #3, #7, and #8 — and how Jira helps implement a framework that adheres to them.

    Agile principle #3

    "Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale."

    Atlassian (the makers of Jira) sums up the embodiment of this principle perfectly in its definition of a sprint: "A sprint is a short, time-boxed period when a Scrum team works to complete a set amount of work."

    While agile sprints run over a short period of time, running them smoothly takes a lot of work for product owners and software developers. Luckily, Jira provides ways to streamline that work — check out our guide on automating parts of your sprint.

    Agile principle #7

    "Working software is the primary measure of progress."

    Sprints can help you ensure that your team delivers working software incrementally. If planned well enough, a sprint can serve as a stopping point for the release of your next batch of features and functionality to your end-users.

    Agile principle #8

    "Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely."

    Agile frameworks like Scrum can help measure if a team is maintaining a consistent pace. Within sprints, effort can be measured in different ways like agile story points. As sprints are completed, Jira automatically creates a visual report of how many story points a team is completing from sprint to sprint in its velocity chart.

    Time for team collaboration

    agile principles: group of people talking

    You're an agile team delivering working software and using a super-tool like Jira to plan your work and track your progress. But you need a human touch to truly follow agile values. Please welcome agile principles #4, #6, #11, #5, and #12 to the stage.

    Agile principle #4

    "Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project."

    Daily stand up meetings are a manifestation of this principle. In this meeting, each team member addressed three topics: (1) what they worked on yesterday; (2) what they're working on today; and (3) what is preventing them from making progress today.

    Agile principle #6

    "The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation."

    Whether it's in an in-person or remote meeting, conveying information is tricky — but (phew) we've already addressed that with practices like daily sprints and velocity charts to exchange information across team members and to visually review team progress. And you'll soon see other ways that agile software development teams organize and communicate with each other.

    Agile principle #11

    "The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams."

    Well, first, what exactly is a self-organizing team? It does not need outside direction or micromanagement to figure out what to work on and how that work gets defined and prioritized. These teams figure out how to plan their work, iterate to deliver that work, and then collaborate on how to continually improve. The agile ceremonies of Scrum — stand up, sprint planning, sprint review, and retrospective — are a working example of this.

    Agile principle #5

    "Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done."

    Ok, so we went out of order on this principle — but for good reason. Following principle #11 makes sense because good self-organized teams are inherently motivated. They work together to figure out how to get the job done and to help each other when someone is stuck. That said, it's important to have defined roles in an agile team, like a Scrum master who can motivate and give feedback to team members.

    Agile principle #12

    "At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly."

    This principle perfectly describes a retrospective — a team meeting to reflect on your most recent sprint or iteration of work and to discuss how to improve for the next one. By answering these questions: (1) What went well?; (2) What could have gone better?; and (3) What can we adjust to improve for next time? your team is collaborating and interacting in an effort to become more effective.

    Achieving customer satisfaction

    Last, but certainly not least, in the agile principles are customer needs. Who is your customer? What are their needs? How do you respond to their feedback to make sure you provide a working product that they love? Enter principles #1, #2, #9, and #10.

    Agile principle #1

    "Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software."

    It turns out that to satisfy your customer, you need to understand who your customer is. 😉 This takes work. A proven methodology for figuring out who your customers are is to create customer personas. These are fictionalized profiles of your customers that document things like their behavioral patterns, their shared pain points, and what their general demographic information looks like.

    Agile principle #2

    "Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage."

    Requirements can't be effectively changed unless they are defined and made visible to stakeholders for feedback. Even if that feedback causes change late in a development cycle, that's ok! (You'll probably also receive change-inducing feedback on the working software you've already delivered. 😎) Tools like a product roadmap or a user story map that provide visual views of your product backlog help give your customers and stakeholders a platform to have the ability to provide feedback.

    Agile principle #9

    "Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility."

    One word: retrospective.

    ​Ok, two more words: sprint review.

    In the context of principle #9, the retrospective and sprint review are two agile ceremonies to use to continually adjust your software's quality and design to best meet your customers’ needs.

    Agile principle #10

    "Simplicity–the art of maximizing the amount of work not done–is essential."

    Imagine you had views of your customer profiles (personas), a visual mapping of their journey through your product (user story map), and a prioritized view of your plan to deliver your product (roadmap). What a time to be alive! If you're doing all three, chances are your team has pretty great insights into whether or not you're getting the right work done. 💪

    Putting the 12 agile principles into action

    four people running

    Now you understand how the agile principles have been formed into agile frameworks and how tools like Jira can help agile teams run with those frameworks. We've also mentioned three effective ways to put these principles into action, and our products make it easy to do.

    • Easy Agile TeamRhythm supports agile teams from planning through to review with features that support user story mapping, backlog refinement, sprint and version planning, and team retrospectives.
    • Easy Agile Personas for Jira provides teams with a customer-centric approach to backlog refinement.
    • Easy Agile Roadmaps for Jira gives visual insights for teams and stakeholders around the vision and plan for a product.
    • Easy Agile Programs is a complete PI Planning solution that makes scaled cross-team planning and execution easy.

    Check out all of our agile solutions in Atlassian's marketplace!

  • Agile Best Practice

    Build Trust Across Your Teams With Agile Project Management

    Agile software development is like a roadmap for getting software done right. As highlighted in the agile manifesto, it prioritizes real conversations over tools, delivering working software instead of drowning in documentation, collaborating with customers rather than just negotiating contracts, and being quick to adapt to change. The manifesto emphasizes the power of collaboration within cross-functional teams, making it relevant for project management in various contexts.

    Think of agile as a mindset, not just a method. It empowers project teams to give and receive feedback in a friendly, iterative environment that leads to great results. While it gained popularity in software development, agile principles can actually work wonders for any project team. Whether it’s in construction management, content marketing, or even planning weddings, agile has you covered.

    Let’s dive into why agile project management is a great fit for any team. We’ll explore how its principles can seamlessly fit into your project processes. Remember, it doesn't matter which agile framework—like Scrum or Kanban—you choose, as long as it suits your team. In short:

    • Agile principles are perfect for team cooperation.
    • Agile workflows for project teams are conducive to continuous iteration and improvement.
    • The framework you choose, Scrum or Kanban, is less important than your team mindset.
    • Using agile project management across your organization increases visibility and coordination.

    Agile principles in project management

    The core principles of agile — collaboration, empowerment, and transparency — are ideal for project management. No matter the type of team, the goal should be continuous improvement. Teams meet this goal by working together with an iterative approach to fulfill their projects.

    Agile is a mindset of adaptability, sharing progress, and learning from what worked and what didn't. You improve as you go.

    Thomas Edison encapsulates the spirit of an iterative approach perfectly: “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that don't work.” 💡It's this attitude that is the agile mindset.

    Entities such as the Project Management Institute espouse the virtues of agile project management and its impact on teams’ collaboration:

    • Teams are responsible for project delivery and self-organize in a way to maximize their opportunities for success.
    • Agile project managers encourage discussion of frameworks and processes, but also encourage independent thinking.
    • Agile values foster trust and healthy working relationships.
    • As a decision-making framework, agile project management promotes accountability while driving continuous decision-making and delivery.

    Agile workflows for project teams

    How can a traditional project team become self-organizing enough to become more agile? Let's step through a Scrum workflow in the context of a general project.


    Development teams work from a product backlog, which is a list of prioritized features desired by a customer. But this list doesn't have to be a set of software features. It can be any set of tasks or outputs that a project team needs to complete.

    Sprint planning meeting

    Agile teams work in sprints, which are set periods of time (e.g., two weeks) to complete an agreed-upon amount of work. During sprint planning, the team reviews and discusses the top priorities from the backlog. They then decide what can be delivered in the sprint and commit to that work.

    Let's use a marketing team working on a campaign as a non-typical example. In a traditional project management setting, the team may take a waterfall approach. They would create a months-long content calendar of social media, blog articles, videos, and other content. Under agile, they would only commit to the next two weeks of content production before deciding what comes next.


    A stand-up is a daily meeting of team members. During it, each member answers three questions:

    • What did you work on yesterday?
    • What are you going to work on today?
    • Are there any issues blocking your work from being completed?

    The questions provide each person the opportunity to share their progress and to provide support in case they can unblock a teammate's work by helping to resolve their issue.

    Sprint review

    When the sprint is completed, teams meet to review and demo the work they just finished. In our marketing case, it can be a time for the team to get together to watch their content videos, read the comments and feedback from their social media posts, and review key metrics from all of their content.

    Sprint retrospectives

    Product development teams meet after each sprint to discuss how they might improve things for their next sprint. In this meeting, the team discusses:

    • What went well?
    • What didn't go so well?
    • What can we improve going forward?

    Suppose your marketing team had a post go unexpectedly viral. Why was it so effective? What can we learn from that to adjust the next two weeks of content? These are the types of questions to ask yourselves so you can continue to iterate and to learn together as a team.

    Scrum or Kanban?

    The workflow outlined above is a typical agile Scrum framework. However, it does not have to be the way agile practices are implemented in project management. Different types of projects may call for different frameworks. For example, in Scrum, roles are more clearly defined than in Kanban.


    A Scrum team is made of specific roles that are tasked with different responsibilities for moving the team through the development process. According to the Scrum Guide:

    • Developers create a plan for each sprint iteration, define completeness of work, adapt their plan each day, and hold each other accountable.
    • A product owner is responsible for managing the product backlog by communicating product goals, prioritizing items, and providing transparency into the full backlog.
    • The Scrum master coaches and guides the team in its adoption of Scrum.


    Some projects may be more suited for Kanban as compared to Scrum. There are key differences between the two frameworks that may influence a team's approach to agile project management:

    • Continuous workflow vs. fixed sprint iterations
    • Continuous delivery vs. delivery after the completion of each sprint
    • No set roles vs. defined scrum roles

    Kanban teams use a Kanban board to visualize their tasks and to limit the amount of work that is in progress at a given time.

    The agile framework you use, whether it is Scrum or Kanban, is less important than your team’s shared understanding of how you work together to achieve common goals. The beauty of an agile approach is its conduciveness to tweaking your framework and how you use it as you iterate and retrospect.

    Agile project management for your whole organization

    As software development teams continue to embrace agile processes, they can encourage other teams to join them. Using agile in other departments empowers those teams’ ability to collaborate. It also creates a shared sense of unity across your entire organization because you’re all applying the same methodology to get to each of your goals.

    Try a daily stand-up for department leads to improve cross-organizational communication. Keep it short and to the point, focusing on the topics that will help the work progress.

  • Agile Best Practice

    How To Avoid These 5 Agile Planning Mistakes

    Agile planning is a critical phase of the agile process, as it determines the team’s priorities and sets the tone for the work to come. The planning process helps agile software development and other product development teams sort through new information, adapt to roadblocks, and address evolving customer needs.

    Agile is an iterative process that helps teams reduce waste and maximize efficiency for the ultimate goal of bringing value to customers. This customer-first approach helps teams make informed choices throughout the development process — choices that continually and consistently provide value to stakeholders.

    It’s the opposite of traditional project planning, which takes a step-by-step waterfall approach. For many years, the method dominated project planning with detailed plans laid out at the beginning of a project that had to be adhered to rigidly. This may move a project or product forward, but it neglects to account for any new developments that could occur outside of the “master plan.”

    And what about stakeholders? The best part of the agile process is that stakeholders can be brought in at every turn. You don’t need to guess whether or not you’re making the right decisions — you can find out every step of the way by directly including stakeholders in your process. You can adapt your plan as you need to based on what will provide the most value to customers at any time.

    Yet, even if you are part of a seasoned agile team, there are still hiccups to overcome and processes to finetune. This post will outline some unproductive agile planning mistakes teams make, including how agile teams can avoid these common pitfalls.

    Agile Planning Mistake #1: Not being on the same page as stakeholders

    Do you involve stakeholders in your planning process? Do they understand your goals and why you are making each decision? Working directly with stakeholders will help you gain a clear view of what your customers need and want to determine what should be done when.

    Never assume you’re on the same page as your stakeholders. They live in a different world than the one you are deeply embedded in, and they may not have the same experience with the agile process, your planning methods, or the agile tools your team uses.

    Ensure you never make commitments the team can’t keep. What you thought would provide the most value during the planning phase could be completely different a couple of weeks later.

    In order to produce deliverables that meet stakeholder expectations, you need to agree on what those expectations are. Involve your stakeholders in planning, but ensure everyone understands that expectations could evolve throughout the process based on new information gained from successes, failures, and customer responses.

    Agile Planning Mistake #2: Using bland, flat product maps

    Flat product backlogs are bland and boring 😴. Think carrot cake without icing. They lack the detail and functionality needed to realize the full story of your product backlog.

    Plus, once you have more than a handful of items, they become overwhelming and difficult to organize in a meaningful way. It becomes less clear which item is the most important and more difficult to ensure your decisions align with the larger goal of the project.

    When you plan out your roadmap, it needs context, and you must be able to clearly see the customer journey. User story maps visualize the customer journey in the planning process and throughout the entire process of product development. They utilize user stories — the smallest unit of work that can bring value to the customer — so you can plan and organize the backlog from the customer’s perspective.

    📕 Read our ultimate guide to user story maps to learn more.

    Easy Agile TeamRhythm transforms your flat product backlog into an impactful visual tool. Product owners and team members can plan core user activities, manage epics inside the story map, order user stories by priority, and edit story summaries — all while integrating directly with your Jira agile boards.

    Agile Planning Mistake #3: Not allowing the plan to live, breathe, and adapt

    Agile methodology is an iterative approach. This means your agile planning needs to leave room for changes. Your plan should be able to grow and adapt as you progress with each sprint or product roadmap.

    At the beginning of a sprint, you lack the information needed to see the full picture. You don’t have everything you need to build the perfect solution, and that’s okay. It’s all part of the process. Spending hours or days trying to iron out the perfect plan just wastes time that could be better spent learning and solving problems as they come.

    You may need to alter your plan after a roadblock comes up in a daily stand-up, or you may learn about a customer concern that completely changes your direction. Iterations are inevitable and welcomed! They help you keep pace with incoming information as you learn from each other, stakeholders, and your customers.

    Agile planning isn’t a promise. It’s an outline that will help you reach your goal, and that changes with your goals and circumstances.

    Agile Planning Mistake #4: Not incorporating retrospective insights in the following planning session

    Retrospectives are an essential piece of the agile process. They give teams a chance to reflect on everything that occurred in an individual sprint or after the completion of a product.

    An effective retrospective asks the entire team key questions that can improve the process next time around. What went well? What’s worth repeating again? What didn’t go so well? What could be improved upon next time? What roadblocks or dependencies developed? What did you learn? How did you feel at the end of the sprint?

    A retrospective provides insights that will improve efficiency, teamwork and team dynamics, the effectiveness of tools, and communication with stakeholders.

    Simply holding a retrospective or collecting retrospective feedback is not enough to gain value. You need to ensure you’re incorporating the feedback into the following sprint planning meeting. The next iteration will be all the better for the time you spend reflecting and improving based upon what you learned.

    Agile Planning Mistake #5: Choosing tools that don’t take a customer-centric approach

    Whether your team uses a Scrum process, kanban boards, or agile methods, the tools you choose should always be customer-focused. And you need to continue using them in a way that keeps the customer at the forefront of decision making.

    Teams can fall into a trap believing they’re focusing on the customer when they aren’t doing much of anything beyond following simple agile methods and generic processes. Customers need to be embedded in your development process right from the planning phase so that every decision a team member makes considers customer needs first.

    Choose planning tools that help your entire team get to the heart of what makes your customers tick, and always check in to ensure you are making decisions in line with your customers.

    For example, Personas provide a deep understanding of what customers want, need, don’t want, etc. They reveal key information about customer pain points, desires, demographics, goals, shopping patterns, and much more. We highly suggest developing customer Personas to get a rich picture of all the people who will use your product, but it’s not enough to just have Personas lying around.

    You need to bring these Personas into your agile planning process and keep them front and center as you complete issues and continue to develop your product.

    Easy Agile Personas for Jira helps you create and store Personas within Jira, so you can plan based on customer needs in real-time. The tool will help you empathize with customers in order to make decisions that provide the most value to users at any moment. All of our Easy Agile Jira plugins are customer-focused and designed to keep the customer top-of-mind throughout the product development process.

    Learn more on the Easy Agile blog

    There’s plenty more where this came from. Easy Agile is dedicated to helping teams work better using agile. We make simple, collaborative, customer-focused plugins for Jira.

    We regularly publish lists of tools, advice articles, and how-to guides for agile teams. If you work with Jira, you’ll find our resources are especially helpful in navigating the ins and outs of product development and the Jira plugins that will improve the way your team collaborates.

  • Agile Best Practice

    How to Get the Most From the 4 Key Agile Meetings

    We’re off to the races! 🏃🏃‍♀️ Sprints are a key component of agile methodology. A sprint is a predefined time period in which agile teams work together towards an agreed-upon sprint goal. There are four types of agile meetings that occur over the course of a sprint, and each is vital to ensuring the success of the agile process. It’s all about sprinting through a predetermined amount of work to get to the finish line, where you learn from your process and begin the race again (only better off because of what you learned during the previous sprint).

    Agile meetings are used to get team members, leaders, and stakeholders on the same page, and they guide the process of an agile sprint or Scrum.

    This post will cover the four key agile meetings, which include sprint planning, daily standups, sprint reviews, and sprint retrospectives. Plus, we’ll discuss a bonus agile meeting that’s utilized for backlog refinement.

    Agile meetings vs. Scrum meetings

    Scrum is an agile methodology that’s most commonly used in software development. Scrum meetings are technically a type of agile meeting, but they have more specific parameters designed to fit within the Scrum framework. The process revolves around a 2-4 week sprint involving a product owner, Scrum Master, and the entire Scrum team.

    We covered Scrum meetings (ceremonies) in detail in another article. For the purposes of this post, we’ll focus on the four main agile meeting types. These processes and best practices can be applied across multiple agile methodologies, including Scrum and Kanban. This framework can also be applied across industries beyond software development and can adapt to the needs of most teams.

    Simply put: Scrum has a more rigid framework that follows four ceremonies/meetings. The agile process is much the same, with four very similar meetings, but there’s more flexibility to adjust the time frame of the sprint and adapt the process when not following Scrum guidelines specifically. Okay, maybe that’s still not simply put, but it wouldn’t be agile if it was linear and straightforward.

    The 4 types of agile meetings

    There are four central agile meetings: sprint planning, daily standups, sprint reviews, and sprint retrospective meetings. A sprint starts with a sprint planning meeting. Each day, a daily standup meeting is held. Finally, at the end of the sprint, a sprint review and retrospective are held. The process repeats with new springs until the product, project, or work is complete.

    1. Sprint planning meeting

    The sprint planning meeting occurs at the beginning of a sprint and involves the entire team. In sprint planning, the entire team meets to discuss and agree upon which work tasks (backlog items) should be moved to the sprint backlog — the items that need to be completed by the end of the sprint. During the meeting, sprint goals are determined, and the team aligns on expectations.

    Without a sprint planning meeting to outline the sprint backlog (tasks that need to be completed), the team will waste time during the sprint trying to determine which work takes precedent.

    Sprint planning mistakes to avoid:

    • Starting planning without a refined backlog
    • Not being on the same page as your stakeholders
    • Ignoring the customer and the customer journey when making plans
    • Creating a rigid plan that doesn’t have room to grow or adapt
    • Using bland, flat product maps that lack critical context
    • Failing to incorporate retrospective insights in the following planning session

    Learn more about common agile planning mistakes and how your development team can avoid these pitfalls.

    2. Daily standup meeting

    The daily standup meeting occurs every day of the sprint. In the Scrum process, this meeting might also be called the daily Scrum meeting. It’s a chance for the team to connect about the work that was completed the previous day and what each person or team plans to complete over the course of the next 24 hours.

    The meeting aims to answer three important questions:

    • What work was completed since the last standup to help the team reach the sprint goal?
    • What work do you plan to complete today?
    • Is there anything currently in your way or hindering your progress?

    This is a good time to address any bottlenecks. If work planned from the previous day wasn’t completed, what caused the delay, and how can the team work together to solve any problems keeping the work from moving forward?

    A standup meeting is short and to the point so everyone can get back to the work they hope to complete. So short that it’s often recommended participants stand for the duration of the meeting. Hence the name daily standup. It includes all team members and ideally takes place at the same time every day to ensure everyone can always attend.

    Daily standup mistakes to avoid:

    • Not keeping track of the time during the meeting
    • Continually going over the allotted meeting time
    • Rambling participants who aren’t prepared to answer the meeting’s key questions
    • Skipping the meeting due to lack of time
    • Team members showing up late to the meeting or missing it altogether
    • Allowing the loudest voices to overshadow the rest of the team
    • Letting someone state the same task on multiple consecutive days
    • Failing to address potential bottlenecks
    • Assigning work beyond a person's capacity

    3. Sprint review meeting

    The sprint review is an opportunity for the team to showcase the work they accomplished during the sprint. This meeting might be an internal presentation or a more formal demo to stakeholders, depending on the needs of the project and how far along work is.

    Sprint review mistakes to avoid:

    • Not properly preparing for the meeting or demonstration
    • Not bringing stakeholders in on your process
    • Failing to demonstrate how the work brings value to the customer
    • Exaggerating or embellishing successes
    • Failing to address any problems and how they were solved
    • Not incorporating sprint review feedback into the next sprint planning meeting

    4. Sprint retrospective meeting

    The retrospective is a crucial part of the agile process. The meeting comes at the end of the sprint, bringing the entire team together to assess their processes and discuss how they can improve next time.

    Which aspects of the sprint went well, and what can you learn from that success? What didn’t go so well, and what bottlenecks did the team hit? What could be done better next time? Since agile is all about learning and iterating, there are lessons to be learned after each sprint. Everything from the good to the bad to the mediocre can be transformed into actionable improvements.

    Retrospective mistakes to avoid:

    • Blaming individual team members for bottlenecks
    • Allowing only the loudest voices to provide insight
    • Failing to empower the softer voices in the room
    • Repeating the same questions over and over without changing things up
    • Allowing the retrospective to run too long (aim for two hours for a two-week sprint)
    • Skipping a retrospective due to a lack of time or resources
    • Forgetting about or not including stakeholder insights or needs
    • Failing to improve upon the sprint retrospective process (retrospective the retrospective!)
    • Failing to incorporate retrospective insights in the next sprint

    Bonus: Backlog refinement meeting

    It could be argued that there’s a fifth agile meeting, especially in the product development world. Before the sprint planning meeting, the product owner must create a product backlog, which comprises all of the tasks and items the team needs to complete in order to fully develop the end product or project. The items include user stories, bug fixes, features, and other tasks that must be addressed to achieve the end goal.

    Backlog refinement prepares the backlog for sprint planning by ordering items to deliver the most impact over the next sprint. During backlog refinement, a product owner ensures that product backlog items contain enough information, detail, and prioritization for the team to make smart decisions about what to tackle when.

    A meeting to refine the backlog may occur before sprint planning begins, depending on the current state of the product backlog. Outside of the product development industry, the product backlog might be akin to a master project task list.

    Backlog refinement meeting mistakes to avoid:

    • Not completing backlog refinement in time for sprint planning
    • Leaving too much backlog refinement for the planning meeting
    • Failing to prioritize items that provide customer value
    • Not incorporating new stakeholder feedback, questions, and concerns

    Agile meetings: Final review

    So there you have it! The four key agile meetings are sprint planning, daily standups, sprint reviews, and sprint retrospectives, with an honorable mention going out to backlog refinement.

    Let’s review each meeting’s purpose:

    • Sprint planning gets everyone on the same page about what needs to be accomplished over the course of the coming sprint.
    • Daily standups ensure the team stays on track and helps them address and resolve any potential bottlenecks.
    • Sprint reviews are an opportunity for the team to showcase the work accomplished during the sprint to stakeholders and receive critical feedback.
    • Sprint retrospectives allow the team to come together to discuss what went well, what didn’t go well, and how they can improve next time.
    • Backlog refinement prepares the backlog for sprint planning in order to deliver the most impact over the next sprint.

    Hold effective agile meetings with Easy Agile

    Easy Agile is committed to helping teams work better with agile. Easy Agile builds products specifically designed for Jira users to help agile teams work more efficiently and effectively.

    We regularly publish lists of tools, advice articles, and how-to guides for agile teams. If you work with Jira, you’ll find our resources are especially helpful in navigating the ins and outs of product development and the Jira apps that will improve the way your team collaborates.

  • Agile Best Practice

    Agile Implementation: How to Choose an Approach and Framework

    “Agile” is a simple word that means quite a lot today. What was once resigned to software developers and product development is now commonplace in many businesses, and agile implementation is showing no sign of slowing down.

    It all boils down to this: Businesses today must be able to adapt fast.

    The rigid approaches that worked for years don’t fit our rapidly changing business landscapes. Businesses of all shapes and sizes need to continually adapt to changing requirements, the changing needs of a global economy, cultural shifts, and evolving technological advancements.

    It’s clear that agile is the way of the future, but how do you implement such a massive change across an organization, especially enterprises? Do you need a top-down approach, a bottom-up approach, or something in between? Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of agile and how to choose the best agile implementation approach.

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    Why switch to an agile approach?

    We’ve covered the benefits of agile in detail in our Beginner's Guide to Agile Methodology, but let’s recap some of the key points and why so many businesses are choosing to make the switch.

    Agile practices focus on an iterative approach that continually adapts to new information and circumstances. By contrast, traditional project management generally adopts a waterfall approach — the project manager lays out a plan at the beginning of a project that the project team is expected to follow to the letter.

    The problem with the traditional project management process is that it leaves little room to quickly grow and evolve. Agile project management and agile software development, on the other hand, need feedback and iterations at every turn. Agile teams test early and often to ensure they are on the right path, and they make adjustments in real-time.

    The benefits of agile methods are far-reaching — that’s why we love it! Though it may take time to implement, agile is a worthy investment for any future-focused organization.

    Additional benefits of agile:

    • Managers can more easily account for the capacity of individuals and entire teams.
    • The team can better manage work in progress (WIP).
    • Everyone can clearly visualize the prioritization of tasks.
    • Bottlenecks or roadblocks are addressed before they halt progress.
    • Wasteful processes are eliminated or changed to improve efficiency.
    • Multiple voices are included in the decision-making process.
    • Teams can make iterations on products or projects in real-time.
    • Stakeholders, customers, and end users are involved in your processes.
    • Teams can provide continuous delivery to customers and stakeholders.
    • Collaboration and teamwork improve.

    With Easy Agile Programs you can equip your distributed or co-located teams to implement the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) without leaving Jira.

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    Agile implementation: Top-down or bottom-up?

    So, you believe in agile and you’re ready to make it happen, but what’s the best approach? Do you implement it from the top-down or bottom-up? Let’s find out!

    A top-down approach to agile implementation starts with those in charge. It often begins with management or business owners who hear about the benefits of agile and want their business to adopt agile practices. The problem is, when an idea only comes from the top, it can catch the rest of the organization off guard. If those in charge don’t give enough notice or provide all of the necessary resources and time to implement new ways of working, employees can become resentful and push back against the change.

    On the other hand, when agile implementation comes from the bottom-up, leadership can push back. Teams and team leaders may want to improve their processes and adopt new ways of working, but they may not get adequate support or resources when they need them. It can take time to convince those in charge of the benefits of agile, which can take away from the time needed to actually learn and implement agile practices.

    A hybrid approach

    The good news is you don’t need to pick just one. The best approach for your business may turn out to be a hybrid approach. The more people you have on board, the better.

    Agile implementation is easiest and most effective when as many people as possible buy into the process. It’s best if you have buy-in throughout multiple levels of your organization, from employees to managers to owners to CEOs.

    Push-back on change is quite common in organizations, no matter the industry. It’s important to have people throughout the company who believe in the value of agile, are passionate about agile processes, and are excited about the possibilities agile presents.

    Choosing an agile framework

    As you implement agile principles, you’ll need to choose the framework that works best for your team. Depending on the needs of your team and organization, you may choose to adopt one framework or establish a mixture of frameworks.

    Below, we’ll outline a few popular agile methodologies.


    Scrum is a strange word that’s very popular as a software development process. It’s a series of events that revolve around repeating sprints. One sprint (or Scrum) begins with sprint planning. The product owner reviews the product backlog, which represents all of the work that needs to be completed. They choose which items/tasks are the most important for the upcoming sprint and move those tasks into the sprint backlog.

    Next, the development team, guided by the Scrum Master, works over a two-week span to complete the sprint backlog. Each day, the team meets for daily standups, which allow the team to go over what was accomplished over the previous 24 hours and discuss any possible roadblocks that stand in the way of the team completing work.

    Lastly, the team completes a sprint review to gather feedback from stakeholders. They also conduct a sprint retrospective to discuss what went well and what didn’t over the course of the sprint. The insights are carried over into the next sprint to help all team members keep improving.

    Wow! 🤯 That was a whirlwind explanation of Scrum. If you want to understand the process in more detail, we cover Scrum in a number of other guides, including the difference between Kanban and Scrum and guides to Scrum sprint planning and Scrum retrospectives.


    The Kanban framework is a visual process that helps teams manage the amount of work in progress. It allows teams and team leaders to see an at-a-glance view of what’s currently in progress and what’s on the horizon.

    A Kanban board has three sections: to-do, doing, and done. Tasks flow throughout these sections one at a time to ensure no one is taking on more than one task at once. This ensures focus is always put on work in progress, no one gets bogged down with too many tasks, and potential bottlenecks are discovered before they impede productivity.

    Chances are you’ve seen a Kanban board in action in some form or another. Trello is an example of an interactive Kanban board. The Kanban framework can be used on its own or paired with other frameworks, such as Scrum.


    The lean methodology focuses on eliminating waste to improve efficiency. Lean follows five main principles: identify value, map the value stream, create flow, establish a pull system, and seek perfection.

    Lean aims to waste less time by ensuring processes, communication, and the transfer of products or services run smoothly. When waste is eliminated and time is optimized, businesses can reduce costs. Efficiency is paired with a continuous improvement mindset, which helps teams work better together and deliver ever-improving products and services.

    ➡️ Learn more: Understanding Lean Agile and the 5 Lean Principles.

    These are only a few popular agile methodologies. To learn more, read our article on 8 Software Development Methodologies Explained.

    Seamless agile implementation

    Agile implementation works best when people at all levels of the organization buy into the agile transformation. A top-down approach means the leadership is on board, but it forces employees to adopt a new way of working, and they may not be comfortable with the change. When it’s the other way around, employees, team members, and team leaders will struggle to implement agile without the support from those in charge and the people who allocate resources. A hybrid approach is often ideal, where as many people as possible are excited about and invested in the transition.

    With the right tools, agile implementation becomes even easier. Easy Agile is dedicated to helping teams work better with agile. We design products that highlight the customer journey and allow teams to collaborate with each other seamlessly.

    Easy Agile Programs is simple to use, collaborative, flexible, and it integrates directly with Jira. You can contact our team at any time to learn more about our suite of Jira products!

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  • Workflow

    5 Agile Games for Innovative Learning

    Agile software development uses iteration to improve agile practices. More than that, development teams use agile principles to enhance self-organization. Improving the Scrum framework leads to improvements in rapid deliverables and product outcomes through iteration.

    But taking on agile when you're not familiar with this approach can be challenging. Team members need a bridging tool. A bridging tool like virtual team building activities supports new learning activities. New learning promotes new ways of thinking that promote continuous improvement. Enter, Agile games!

    Learn how these games can support team-building and promote problem-solving for better software development processes, and which agile games to look for.

    What are agile games?

    Agile games are online games that entire teams can play. These games were created for team-building activities. They help nurture effective teams by getting everyone to work towards a common goal. When agile teams put their heads together, communicate effectively, and take on new learning, everyone wins — including product owners.

    Team building games drive innovation by encouraging a new perspective through team-building exercises. Agile games are fun, but they are also practical. This practical approach enables team members to adopt new behaviors.

    When they play agile games, teams implement better working methodologies in software development. Agile games support team building through new learning activities and iteration.

    Ultimately, agile games augment the good communication and self-organization of DevOps teams. The outcome of playing agile games is that your team members more rapidly assimilate agile software.

    As agile teams improve their problem-solving skills, they reap multiple benefits that might have fallen along the wayside if they didn't use an agile methodology or these agile games.

    Types of agile games

    There are multiple agile games that you can use to familiarize new teams with agile software. Tastycupcakes developed many of these simple games as ice breakers, which encourage introverts to participate more fully in Scrum practices. These games also help build multitasking skills in high-pressure DevOps environments, which any agile coach will be happy to use.

    Now that you have some groundwork to help you understand the thinking behind agile games, you’re probably keen to find out what types of games you can play to build teamwork.

    Here are a few agile games to whet your appetite. This list of games goes from the shortest to the longest playing times, each with its own objective.

    1. Chocolate Bar Game

    Playing TimePlayers RequiredFormatObjectives5 mins4+Virtual & in-personTeam building activity for customer feedback and iteration

    The Chocolate Bar Game is ideal for new teams who are unfamiliar with agile practices. Teamwork improves as the members play this game and learn more about iteration. Entire teams can also play this game to understand how to integrate customer feedback into their retrospectives.

    You can either play the game in person or play an online game with remote teams.

    The Chocolate Bar game works as a Scrum simulation. The goal is to create a chocolate bar as if you were taking instructions from the product owner. Development teams choose their product manager who can also be the product owner. The rest of the agile team are the customers.

    The product owner acts as a facilitator, instructing team members to create a chocolate bar that appeals to the target market. This chocolate bar must be delicious and can be made from either dark chocolate, milk chocolate, or white chocolate.

    Additionally, the team can select a range of fillings to improve their product. Toppings and other unique features also come into play as teams can include organic or gluten-free features that cater to a niche market.

    After each iteration, the project manager provides the team with customer feedback. Customers can give the software development team (or chocolate bar creation team) a thumbs up for their creation if they approve of the chocolate made by the agile team. Customers can also give team members a thumbs down if they don’t like the initial stages of their chocolate bar creation.

    Teamwork involves recording customers' responses for changes before the next iteration, which involves the chocolate bar fillings. The team members will continue building their chocolate bar, adding or subtracting fillings and toppings until most customers are happy with their creation.

    As you can see, playing the Chocolate Bar Game involves repetitive iteration based on customer feedback, which is the objective of this agile game.

    2. How to Hug

    Playing TimePlayers RequiredFormatObjective5 mins (or less)3+Virtual onlyAgile team collaboration

    How to Hug is a simple game for improving team collaboration, especially on a remote team. How to Hug is a great icebreaker when introducing new team members.

    The Scrum team can access this agile team-building activity online. The entire team uploads their photos for display on the How to Hug virtual circle. The whole team can then vote to place their image at the circle's center.

    Once the agile team has a central image, the rest of the members move their images to touch the Scrum Master's image at the circle's center.

    Everyone has a chance to place their image at the center of the circle, and the team repeats the process. Although a simple game, this is one of those virtual team-building activities that involve lots of laughs.

    Team members learn about each other during this virtual hugging session with collaboration and team bonding helping to create a great team.

    3. Ball Point Game

    Playing TimePlayers RequiredFormatObjective15 mins, split into 3-min sessions4+In-person & virtualAgile production process

    The objective in playing Ball Point is for the Scrum team to navigate agile projects better. By understanding the agile production process, the team appreciates the importance of self-organization. Self-organization is the cornerstone for creating Scrum processes that work so that the entire team can engage in effective iteration.

    Entire teams can play this game physically or online, using game icons on the virtual whiteboard.

    The common goal is for the team to move a ball or several balls around the table. Team members must all touch the ball or balls once. After one team member touches the ball, the next person must do the same. The Scrum team earns a point if they successfully manage to move the ball around the table.

    Each sprint lasts for three minutes, and the whole team must participate in five sprints to see who wins the Ball Point game. During the first sprint, the team discusses their strategy and takes notes to anticipate how many points they will score in the first minute.

    The second minute involves moving the ball around the table. The Scrum team records their points and new learning in the third minute.

    As the game progresses, teamwork intensifies as members add more balls in the following sprint rounds. As the team passes balls simultaneously, the game becomes more complex. More thinking is required in the iteration process as team members attempt to increase their scores. After each round, the teams engage in a brief retrospective to see what tactics they can use to score more points in the next sprint. Simple but effective!

    4. Marshmallow Tower

    Playing TimePlayer RequiredFormatObjectives20 mins4+In-person onlyIteration & collaboration

    This is an in-person team building activity, and the team will need a few supplies:

    • Dry spaghetti
    • One yard of tape
    • One yard of string
    • Marshmallows

    Team members must engage in this learning activity in groups of four people. The Scrum master hands out 20 pieces of spaghetti to each team, along with the other provisions.

    The objective here is to build the highest marshmallow tower with these items. The marshmallow tower must be freestanding, and team members must place all the marshmallows at the top of the structure. Some agile games use one marshmallow, while others match the marshmallow numbers with the spaghetti sticks.

    Inevitably, the tower collapses as the team places the marshmallow on top. But the goal is to simulate the Scrum retrospective through several iterations. The whole team must quickly regroup through good communication and collaboration to improve each successive round.

    The concept sounds simple, but its execution is deceptively tricky. Teams need to collaborate quickly, and you’re sure to see plenty of towers collapse at the last second as teams scramble to place the marshmallow on top of their structures.

    But, repeat the challenge several times, and you’ll see teams refine their approaches to collaboration and iterate on their earlier creations.

    5. LEGO Flow Game

    Playing TimePlayers RequiredFormatObjectives60-90 mins3-9In-person onlyScrum simulation, iteration, collaboration, workflow

    The LEGO Flow game focuses on a Scrum simulation. Agile teams build a virtual LEGO Advent Calendar to detail work items in an efficient workflow. Each section of the workflow involves specific role players.

    The common goal is to build the items, find the following advent calendar number (analysis) and then identify a set of LEGO pieces that must align with the supply source (suppliers).

    The Scrum team builds (builders) the LEGO item as they progress through the game. Team members must engage in constant iteration to determine whether the build is correct and acceptable to the market representatives or product owner (acceptors).

    Agile coaches will love using this game as it is an excellent tool to introduce new teams to Agile. LEGO Flow offers new teams the opportunity to engage in new learning activities through a simulated Scrum exercise.

    LEGO Flow is an agile game that requires three rounds, each with its own objective. These objectives include batch and phase-driven processes together with time-boxed and flow-based processes.

    After each of the three rounds, teamwork involves sprint retrospectives to understand what went well and what challenges the team encountered. The objective is to analyze the pros and cons of each sprint approach, demonstrating the benefits of teamwork. The game ends with the building of an overall Cumulative Flow Diagram.

    This diagram allows the whole team to view its strategies and decisions, consider where they went wrong in each round of this agile game, and enhance their workflow.

    If time allows, the Scrum master can question team members about what policy changes they would make for future sprints.

    Agile games and team building activities

    The whole team can transform their work-life with virtual team-building activities over Zoom. Having some fun while learning definitely beats using a physical whiteboard and sticky notes to introduce new teams to the Scrum framework.

    Easy Agile apps are yet another innovative way to ease your new team into the Agile family. Dive into the world of Easy Agile Scrum Workflow for Jira that you can combine with LEGO Flow.

  • Workflow

    Agile Estimation Techniques: A Deep Dive Into T-Shirt Sizing

    Agile estimation techniques are amazingly simple yet can sometimes be made more complex than necessary for software development teams. Having experienced the wrath of missing a deadline on previous assignments and fearing 20-hour workdays in the last weeks of a big project, it's no wonder agile team members approach estimation cautiously. How many times has your estimation come back to bite you? 😱

    Designed to create a sustainable development pace and provide more realistic deadline expectations for stakeholders, agile estimation techniques use relative sizing rather than predicting real-time estimates.

    Popular estimating methods in an agile development environment include story points, dot voting, a bucket system, affinity mapping, and t-shirt sizing. T-shirt sizing is a common agile estimation technique that can be very effective for long-term planning or helping your team get used to relative estimating.

    We'll give you a quick review of these agile estimation techniques, but then, we'll dive into t-shirt sizing and the different ways you can use this technique.

    Take note of your estimations inside Jira with

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    A quick review of some popular agile estimation techniques

    Agile estimation techniques: Group of people looking at sticky notes on glass wall

    If you're reading this article, you're probably already familiar with story points typically used for sprint planning, so we won't spend time rehashing these. However, if story pointing isn't a familiar agile estimation technique, here's an article defining story points and another about specific times when story points might work best on your team.

    The other agile estimation techniques we'll review first are more appropriate for road mapping or release planning than sprint planning. Let's run through a quick overview of affinity mapping, bucket systems, and dot voting.

    Affinity mapping

    In product development, “affinity” refers to similar backlog items, either in terms of types of code, areas of the product, or effort. For affinity mapping within agile estimation, we're talking about grouping work items of similar size. Go figure.

    To perform an affinity mapping exercise, the facilitator puts the backlog items on individual sticky notes and attach them to a wall. On another wall, identify one side as "Smaller" and the other side as "Larger." Then, ask the Scrum team to silently move the items from the backlog wall to the sizing wall where they fit based on the item's perceived size, or how long the team will likely take to complete it.

    The key to this technique is to move quickly, don't overthink it, and don't discuss it. Once all the items are placed on the wall, team members can discuss which items are potentially sized incorrectly. After a brief discussion, the team can choose whether to move the items.

    After everyone is satisfied with the placement, the Product Owner can imagine vertical lines on the wall dividing the backlog into sections and easily assign a t-shirt size to each item and place it on a roadmap.

    Bucket systems

    A bucket system is similar to affinity mapping, except it expects you to get a little more specific. It uses the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 13, 20, 30, 50, 100, and 200 as relative sizes, and team members put all the backlog items in one of the buckets. Again, this is done silently, but the team is free to discuss any items they feel have been placed in the wrong bucket at the end.

    Dot voting

    Another way agile development teams can estimate is dot voting. Yeah, it's really about putting dot stickers on note cards or sticky notes. But, this is an interesting technique that brings in concepts other than relative size.

    During dot voting, team members receive five dots. Those dots relate to what each team member thinks is the most critical work in the backlog. The importance could come from a technical reason like reworking a database to scale before the next busy season or business value like the most requested new functionality from customer feedback.

    Backlog items are then added to the roadmap based on value (the number of dots) and then can be sized for effort using another technique.

    As you can see, these agile estimation techniques are especially useful if you have a large backlog that makes you feel like you're herding cats every time you try to organize it. Typically, these estimating processes are used at the beginning of a project, significant feature build, or annual or semi-annual roadmap planning.

    Now let's take that deep dive into t-shirt sizing.

    T-Shirt sizing for product backlog items

    Agile estimation techniques: Group of people sitting on the floor and looking at the camera

    Ahhhh, the t-shirt size. XS, S, M, L, XL — how can that be intimidating? It's so simple and yet so flexible. Mostly used for roadmap and release planning, t-shirt sizing is nothing more than a guesstimate at effort based on the information available at the time of the estimate. That's why it's so basic. It's a guesstimate, and that's ok. 👌

    You might be wondering why t-shirt sizing is essential if it's such a ballpark figure and relative estimation. It's helpful for long term planning. Yep, you heard it right. Agile teams plan. If you take a quick look at the Agile Manifesto, the fourth value of agile development teams is:

    “Responding to change over following a plan.”

    A team can't respond to change if they were never following a plan from the start. Long-term agile planning lets you know if you're setting realistic expectations with stakeholders for the next 6 to 12 months. Or if the company's needs change or existing resources won't suffice and you need to spin up an additional team. T-shirt estimates also help determine how many iterations need to be included in each release to deliver the most value to end-users.

    Agile estimation starts as a t-shirt size for planning future releases, then is broken down into story points for sprint planning, and can even be broken down further into hours for sprint execution. Regardless, the main point is this: The closer the work gets to a developer's keyboard, the smaller and easier it is to estimate accurately. The t-shirt size is furthest away from execution, so the estimation isn’t expected to be perfect.

    T-Shirt sizing is fast

    Two co-workers looking at sticky notes on glass window board

    If you've ever inherited a backlog of hundreds of work items and then received the question "How long will it take to finish all that?" you're not alone. Your first attempt to avoid answering that impossible question might be a good backlog cleansing. Let's say you delete any work item over six months old. I mean, hey, if it's been in the product backlog that long, maybe it's not really that important.

    But if you've joined a team just getting started with agile methodologies, you'll probably be stuck with a large backlog and product executives expecting an old-fashioned estimate.

    T-shirt sizing comes in handy here. Because it's understood that you're delivering gut-level estimations, your team can power through a super-sized backlog in no time. To ensure team members aren't over-thinking each item during t-shirt sizing exercises, restrict decision-making to 30 seconds per item.

    The result is a somewhat organized backlog with relative estimates. The product owner and stakeholders can use that information to decide what to move forward within the short term.

    How does t-shirt sizing work?

    There are a couple of different ways you can tackle t-shirt sizing depending on your backlog size. For a small number of items, planning poker works great — just ask your Scrum Master to swap out the Fibonacci sequence number cards for t-shirt size letters.

    This technique also works well if you need to estimate a subset of a more extensive backlog.

    You'll probably want to use a process similar to affinity mapping and bucket systems for large backlogs. Everyone works independently to assign sizing and then discusses conflicts at the end. This technique allows even small teams to get through a large backlog relatively quickly.

    Finally, some new agile teams might want to start their estimating journey using t-shirt sizes for user stories and sprint planning. Mike Cohn, one of the founders of Scrum Alliance and an authority on agile processes, suggests that if teams go with that approach, they assign a story point value to each t-shirt size. This technique helps teams get comfortable with story points within the safety net of t-shirt size estimating.

    Practice makes perfect with agile estimation techniques

    Woman sitting in a bean bag while working on her laptop

    Regardless of the type of agile project you're working on or the estimation process you choose, the more you practice, the quicker your team will become master estimators. 👑 We recommend trying a couple of different methods to see which one feels most comfortable for your team.

    One last thing, remember that story point estimates are best for sprint planning. Affinity mapping, bucket systems, dot planning, and T-shirt sizing are better for roadmap and release planning.

    If you need help moving your planning off the wall and into Jira, you should try

    Easy Agile Roadmaps

    Don't forget to check out our other blog articles to help your team on their agile journey.

  • Agile Best Practice

    5 Agile Estimation Tips To Help With Backlog Prioritization

    Backlog prioritization is a never-ending task for product owners and product managers. As priorities evolve in response to changing business needs, or even as work is completed, or adjustments to team resourcing are made, it's important to maintain focus on the work that will deliver the most value by keeping your backlog in good shape. Agile estimation techniques can make prioritizing your backlog faster and easier.

    So, let's take a look at some specific methods to prioritize your backlog and see how agile estimation can help deliver the most value to your end-users and stakeholders.

    5 ways to prioritize a backlog

    Of course, there are more than five ways to prioritize work items in a backlog. But, we've picked a few of our favorites that, when combined with an agile estimation process, help keep our product backlog prioritized so we can breeze through sprint planning.

    1. Weighted Shortest Job First

    Wow, is that a mouthful! Let's use the "WSJF" acronym to refer to this SAFe technique. Not as intimidating as it sounds, WSJF is a simple formula that assigns a business value to product backlog items.

    WSJF = Cost of Delay ÷ Job Duration

    Cost of Delay is the sum of three relative metrics:

    • User/Business Value: the relative importance of the work item.
    • Time Criticality: the decline of user/business value over time.
    • Risk Reduction: the reduction of business or technical risk.

    To determine the relative size for Cost of Delay, think of the lowest business value, the smallest decline in value over time, and the least risk reduction as a 1 value. The same as with Fibonacci sequence story point estimation, adjust that score appropriately when comparing work items to score them relative to one another.

    The Job Duration is also expressed in relative terms. If you estimate your work items using relative estimation with story points, the story point value equals the Job Duration.

    If you're using this technique to prioritize a large amount of work in a backlog where some items have only been t-shirt sized, convert your t-shirt sizes to standard Fibonacci numbers and use that value.

    Warning: Be careful with converting t-shirt sizes to story points. You'll need a way to flag the t-shirt size work items that you converted to story points. You and your Scrum Master need to recognize those as t-shirt level estimations rather than the real story point estimates that come with fully refined work items.

    See more at a glance in Easy Agile TeamRhythm, to make prioritizing your backlog faster

    💡Tip: Add up to three extra fields on issue cards


    2. MoSCoW

    Must-have, should-have, could-have, and won't-have are the buckets used to prioritize a backlog with the MoSCoW technique. The product team defines these designations based on the product's unique features and competitive offerings.

    Each work item falls into one of those categories. The easiest part of this process is sending Won't-have items directly to the trash and getting them out of your way. Next, prioritize must-haves first and then should-haves. The could-have items naturally fall to the bottom of the backlog.

    Take these items through your regular refinement meetings with your team members, and assign each item a t-shirt size or story point value. You're then ready to add the right amount of work items to your sprints or releases based on your teams' velocity or the number of story points they expect to finish during a sprint.

    3. Kano

    The Kano model of prioritization uses five classifications:

    • Must-be: the basic functionality that your users expect.
    • Attractive: a pleasant surprise for your users, but no one is going to be upset if it's not there.
    • One-Dimensional: work items that make your users happy and will disappoint them if they aren't part of your product.
    • Indifferent: work items that are unimportant to your customers. Often, these work items represent technical debt or enhancements that help the software development team develop more efficiently or work in the latest versions of their tech stack — but your customers really don't care about them.
    • Reverse: the process of undoing a previous feature or update. If you've ever built a feature or made a UI update that your users hated, you understand reverse work items. Oops. Unfortunately, sometimes these are necessary evils, especially when it comes to security features or transitioning users to a new product after retiring a legacy product.

    Like the MoSCoW method, you'll estimate these work items during refinement and then add them to your iteration or release plan. But, different from MoSCoW, you may want to balance out your sprints and releases with work items from each classification.

    4. Stack Ranking

    The most brutal of all prioritization techniques, stack ranking forces teams to have a linear rank of work items, which means there is only one top priority, one second priority, one third priority, and so on. Brutal!

    Once you get used to it, stack ranking is a useful way to force product managers to make tough choices between work items. Even if two work items can be completed during the same sprint, it's up to the PO to determine which one gets done first, and then that choice is reflected in the sprint backlog.

    Often, this job becomes easier when it's put in dire terms. For instance, if you only had one day to attract new users to your product, what work would you want in production? BOOM! There's your top priority.

    The nice thing with stack ranking is that it allows POs to slide smaller work items into current sprints when other higher-priority work is too large. Adding the larger work item over-commits the team based on their velocity. Those small work items serve to fill up sprints so teams can maintain velocity and be as productive as possible. So, just because a two-story point work item is two-thirds the way down the backlog doesn't mean it will never get done.

    5. Story Mapping

    Story mapping helps you visualize the customer's journey through your product from start to finish. (Yep, we stole that straight from our other excellent article on story mapping.) For advanced story mappers, take what you’ve learned about story mapping, and think about how you can add MoSCoW or Kano techniques to your story maps.

    Perhaps your epic backbone at the top of the user story map could represent the buckets in the MoSCoW method?

    If you're like us, your story mapping sessions are productive brainstorming activities, and you'll leave the sessions with way more work than you can accomplish. By applying MoSCoW or Kano principles to the stories in your user journeys, you’ll discover the most important stories to prioritize and the stories that can wait for a later release.

    Building agile estimation into backlog prioritization

    We've given you five different techniques to corral your work items into an organized, prioritized, value-delivering product backlog:

    1. Weighted Shortest Job First
    2. MoSCoW
    3. KANO
    4. Stack Ranking
    5. Story Maps

    We've also shown you ways to incorporate agile estimates like t-shirt sizes and story points into your prioritization process to keep your team delivering the most important work while maintaining velocity and dazzling your customers and stakeholders.

    We encourage you to take these ideas, share them with your team, and give them a try. If you need help using the Story Map concept, try Easy Agile TeamRhythm. However your team prioritizes its product backlog, remember to put the most important work first and then adjust those priorities as needed. Keep it easy and keep it agile!

  • Agile Best Practice

    How to Become (and Remain) a Great Agile Coach

    You're part of an agile team. You know the drill. You have an agile mindset, you and your team members participate in the agile ceremonies, and you use agile tools like Jira. All good! But there's also a good chance that you're part of a larger organization that either doesn't fully grasp agile practices or needs an agile transformation itself. That's where an agile coach can step in.

    Let's face it — if your organization was perfectly aligned in its agile framework, you wouldn't be reading this post. 😉 In many large organizations, the adoption of agile practices is limited to a subset of teams, most notably the software development and project management teams.

    But you want more — you want to be a master in agile ways. An old saying goes something like, "the best way to learn something is to teach it." Or, as Yoda put it, "Always two there are, no more, no less. A master and an apprentice.”

    In this post, we'll explain what's at the core of being an effective agile coach, the differences between an agile coach at the team level vs. the organization level, and a sample path to becoming a certified agile coach. We'll also provide you with some of our best educational resources to keep you sharp no matter what stage of your agile journey you're in.

    What is an agile coach?

    Let's get one thing out of the way. An agile coach is not an instructor with cat-like reflexes.

    Our agile coach provides professional coaching and know-how by helping organizations understand the agile methodology and its benefits well enough to implement it at scale across cross-functional teams. This is provided in two buckets:

    • Working with a subset of an organization (teams, managers, and stakeholders) on agile best practices to improve performance and outcomes
    • Facilitating organizational change by working with leadership to remove barriers that allow for a full agile transformation

    An agile coaching role is not a one-size-fits-all. It can be a permanent or temporary position at a company. Agile coaches come from a variety of backgrounds, including software developer, product owner, Scrum master, and project manager.

    An agile coach is a facilitator. Because it is a mentoring role, an agile coach should have competencies in collaboration and communication.

    So, you want to be an agile coach

    You're all in. You want to expand your agile expertise by teaching its principles or teach agile methods outside of your team. Well, where do you get started? Here's the plan.

    Let's tackle it with a three-pronged approach:

    1. Learning the agile frameworks
    2. Getting involved in an agile community
    3. Formal agile training

    Learning the agile frameworks

    Typically, you want some experience working in agile frameworks before embarking on formal agile coaching certifications. That said, it can be difficult to master the multitude of frameworks within agile development, even over the course of a lengthy career. To whit:

    But wait...there's more! We'll run out of ink if we list them all, so let's move on. ✍️

    Many of us spend the majority of our time working with one or two frameworks, or a hybrid of them. For example, you can work for a long time in a Scrum environment before mastering all of the following:

    And that's ok! We suggest mastering what you can in your own work environment, like Scrum, then learning as much as you can about another one or two that may interest you that you may not have the opportunity to practice directly. For example, learning about SAFe or LeSS and how they empower agile practices at scale would be a great place to start.

    One key tip to keep in mind — it's easy to lose sight of the core principles of agile if you become too mired in practicing frameworks on a day-to-day basis. Every once in a while, close your eyes and go back and read the agile manifesto (ok, you actually need to open your eyes, but you know what we're suggesting):

    • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
    • Working software over comprehensive documentation
    • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
    • Responding to change over following a plan

    You can open your eyes now.

    If you're already working within a framework like Scrum with a development team as a Scrum master or product owner, then you probably have a lot of the prerequisites needed to get started in agile coach training courses.

    Getting involved in an agile community

    Before you apply for an agile coaching certification, it's a good idea to be involved in an agile community. This accomplishes three things:

    1. It keeps you up-to-date on current happenings in the agile world.
    2. It exposes you to agile methodologies and ideas that peers are practicing outside in their own organizations.
    3. It demonstrates that you're committed to practicing agile as a career pursuit — which we'll soon see is important in the application process for becoming a certified agile coach.

    You can find agile communities locally or remotely.

    Formal agile training

    If you want to get hired as an agile coach, it's a good idea to pursue some agile certifications. The most recognizable training courses are offered by the Scrum Alliance. There are two tracks you can take to becoming a Certified Agile Coach, depending on your interest — Certified Team Coach (CTC) or Certified Enterprise Coach (CEC). The are differences between these two tracks that are important to understand:

    • A CTC works with multiple agile teams, coaching Scrum masters, product owners, and company managers. A CTC generally sticks to mentoring one area of an organization, such as software development.
    • A CEC typically coaches at the executive leadership level at an organization. A CEC is an enterprise agile coach whose goal is to assist an organization in successfully achieving a full agile transformation.

    You're probably wondering...how much of a commitment is it to achieve certification? We won't sugarcoat it — it's significant. But that commitment can lead to a career-long ability to have a meaningful impact on teams and organizations. In short, here’s what you need to become a CTC or CEC:

    • Be an active Certified Scrum Professional
    • Submit a first application describing your agile experience, including team and organization coaching experience, agile community participation, and your use of agile practices
    • Submit a second application that evaluates your knowledge, mindset, and approach as a coach and that requires mentor and customer recommendations
    • An annual certification fee
    • Continuing education requirements to maintain your certification

    Great agile coaches keep learning

    group of people having a meeting

    It can take a long time to build the experience to become an agile coach. After that, it's important to stay in tune with core agile concepts and how they relate to current trends in software development in order to remain knowledgeable enough to maintain your credentials.

    We believe our agile resources are as good for continuing education as you can find. Here are some posts that highlight some of the key areas we talked about earlier:

    But wait...there's more! Head over to our blog for our treasure trove of resources — and when you get tired of reading, put on your headphones and tune in to our podcast episode featuring an agile coach.

  • Agile Best Practice

    Agile Ceremonies: Your Ultimate Guide To the Four Stages

    This guide looks at the four ceremonies that bring one of Agile’s most popular frameworks, Scrum, to life.

    Learn how each agile ritual helps empower teams and drive performance while highlighting some tips to help your organization get the most from your ceremonies.

    At a glance:

    • The four agile ceremonies are Sprint Planning, Daily Stand-Up, Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective
    • Ceremonies in agile facilitate visibility, transparency, and collaboration.
    • Each ceremony has a clear structure and objective.
    • Clear communication, flexibility, and cultural alignment are the keys to successful ceremonies.

    What are the main agile ceremonies?

    Agile ceremonies refer to the four events that occur during a Scrum sprint. Other forms of agile development, such as Kanban and Lean, also have similar practices.

    The agile ceremonies list includes:

    1. Sprint Planning
    2. Daily Stand-Up
    3. Sprint Review
    4. Sprint Retrospective

    While each ceremony is different, they facilitate the same overall purpose. The ceremonies bring teams together with a common goal under a regular rhythm, and they help teams get things done.

    "With today's enterprises under increased pressure to respond quickly to the needs of their customers and stakeholders, they must bring new products to market faster and accelerate improvements to existing solutions and services." - State of Agile Report

    Why are agile ceremonies important?

    Agile ceremonies help organizations adapt to change and succeed. With work planned in smaller portions and over shorter timeframes, they help teams quickly shift direction and course-correct when needed. They form a key part of the broader agile approach that’s now widely adopted in organizations worldwide.

    With agile ceremonies, teams in your organization can benefit from:

    • Enhanced ability to manage changing priorities
    • Acceleration of software development
    • Increase in team productivity
    • Improved business and IT alignment

    It’s important to remember that while ceremonies are an essential part of Scrum, they’re just one of many rituals that help create agile teams and workplaces. To realize the true benefits of agile, you’ll need to do more than include one or more of the ceremonies into your waterfall project.

    1. Sprint Planning

    The Sprint Planning ceremony sets teams up for success by ensuring everyone understands the sprint goals and how to achieve them.

    StructureAttendeesTimingDurationAgile FrameworkThe Product Owner brings the product backlog to discuss with the Development Team. The Scrum Master facilitates.   Together, the Scrum Team does effort or story point estimations.   The product backlog must contain all the details necessary for estimation. The Product Owner should be able to clarify any doubts regarding the product backlog. The entire Scrum Team (the Development Team, Scrum Master, and Product Owner)At the beginning of each sprintOne to two hours per week of iteration. So, if you're planning a two-week sprint, your Sprint Planning should last two to four hours. Scrum. Although Kanban teams also plan, they do it less formally and per milestone, not iteration.


    After some team negotiation and discussion, you should have a clear decision on the work that the Development Team can complete during the sprint by the end of Sprint Planning. This is known as the sprint goal.

    The sprint goal is an increment of complete work, and everyone should feel confident about the commitment.

    The product backlog defines priorities that affect the order of work. Then, the Scrum Master transforms that decision into the sprint backlog.

    Top tips

    • Focus on collaboration rather than competition.
    • Break user stories into tasks to get things more operational for the Development Team. If there's time, assign those tasks during the event.
    • Factor in public holidays and any team member’s time off or vacations.
    • Keep your team’s pace in mind – a track record of the time it took to implement similar user stories would be helpful.
    • Focus on the product backlog and nothing else in terms of work for the sprint.

    2. Daily Stand-Up

    The daily stand-up brings the team together and sets everyone up for the day. The team uses this time to identify blockers and share plans for the day.

    StructureAttendeesTimingDurationAgile frameworkThis is an informal, standing meeting. All members of the Development Team inform everyone about what they did the day before and what they’re doing today. Members discuss any blockages they have and ask for help from the team if required.   Due to time restrictions, the updates should be brief.Development Team, Scrum Master, Product Owner (optional) Daily, usually in the morningShort and sharp. No longer than 15 minutesScrum and Kanban


    The Scrum Master should clear all the blockages that slow down or prevent the Development Team from delivering. As a result, the development process might need to change.

    This daily pulse check keeps the team in sync and helps build trust. Together, the group finds ways to support and help each other.

    Top tips

    • Use a timer to keep this meeting to 15 minutes.
    • Hold your stand-up at the same time every day.
    • Only discuss the work for the day ahead.
    • If the team is distributed, use video conferencing with cameras on.
    • Long discussions should happen after the event.
    • As the stand-up encourages progress, everyone should provide an update, and everyone should feel accountable.

    3. Sprint Review

    The Sprint Review is the time to showcase the team’s completed work and gather feedback from stakeholders. A variety of attendees from outside the team offer valuable insights from different viewpoints. This event also helps build trust with both external and internal stakeholders.

    StructureAttendeesTimingDurationAgile frameworkThe Scrum Master takes on the logistics of event preparation.   The Product Owner should ask stakeholders questions to gather as much feedback as possible. They should also answer any of their stakeholder’s questions.Development Team, Scrum Master, Product Owner. Optionally, management, customers, developers, and other stakeholders At the end of the sprintOne hour per week of the sprint. In a one-week sprint, the Sprint Review lasts one hour.Scrum and Kanban.   Kanban teams do these reviews after the team milestones, not sprints.


    After this ceremony, the Product Owner might need to adjust or add to the product backlog. They might also release product functionality if it's already complete.

    Top tips

    • Schedule in time to rehearse before the meeting to help your team present with confidence, especially if external stakeholders are coming along.
    • Don’t showcase incomplete work. Review your Sprint Planning and the original criteria if you’re not sure whether the work is complete.
    • Besides product functionality, focus on user experience, customer value, and the delivered business value.
    • Consider ways you can introduce a celebratory feel to acknowledge the team’s effort.

    4. Sprint Retrospective

    In this final scrum ceremony in the sequence, you look back on the work you’ve just done and identify ways to do things better next time. The Sprint Retrospective is a tool for risk mitigation in future sprints.

    StructureAttendeesTimingDurationAgile frameworkThe teams discuss what went well throughout the sprint and what went wrong.   The Scrum Master should encourage the Development Team to speak up and share not only facts but also their feelings.   The goal is to gather rapid feedback for continuous improvement in terms of process.  It’s also an opportunity to emphasize good practices that the team adopted and should repeat.Development Team, Scrum Master, Product Owner (optional)At the end of the sprint45 minutes per sprint weekScrum and Kanban (occasionally)


    After this session, the team should clearly understand the problems and the wins that happened throughout the iteration. Together, the group comes up with solutions and an action plan to prevent and identify process problems in the next sprint.

    Top tips

    • Focus on both facts and feelings
    • Gather information that helps you focus on continuous improvement – this might include tools and relationships
    • Be honest and encourage ideas that solve process-related problems
    • Even if everything went well, have this meeting – retrospectives provide ongoing guidance for the next sprint.

    "With the speed of change expected to continue, the need has never been greater for an operating model that keep up." - McKinsey

    Agile lessons to live by

    As a team of experienced agile practitioners, we’ve picked up some key learnings about what it takes to get the most out of your agile ceremonies and create the foundations of a truly agile organization.

    Here are our top tips to make your ceremonies a success:

    • Be deliberately present - During the ceremonies, remember to take moments to pause and remind yourself of why you’re there. Show others that you’re present by giving them full attention and using your body language. In a remote setting, angle your camera as though you’re sitting across from them, look into the lens regularly, and use a distraction-free background.
    • Practice active listening - Think about what the person is saying, who they are, and what they need from you. Are they looking for a soundboard, do they need your help or opinion, or are they looking for an emotional connection?
    • Understand motives - Understand the motivations of your teammates before speaking. Consider why they should care about what you’re saying by connecting your message with their own motivations. Provide context where possible to let them know why your message matters.
    • Be flexible - It's important to remember that there is not a one size fits all approach to agile ways of working. What works for one team may not work for another, so you need to experiment to find out what works then tailor processes to suit your team's needs.
    • Create cultural alignment - The best processes in the world won’t deliver what you need if you don’t have the culture to support their delivery. Agile ceremonies need to be supported by a culture where people are actively engaged, confident to raise issues, and value continuous improvement.

    Agile ceremonies lead to better results

    While it can take time for teams new to agile to adjust to agile ceremonies, they are worth the effort. By providing a clear structure and achievable outcomes, they help align everyone on the product, communication, and priorities.

    The result? Agile teams that provide better quality products faster – and deliver real business outcomes.

    Wherever your organization is on your agile journey, it’s worth keeping in mind that each team and each suite of products are different, so there’s no standard recipe for success. The good news is that by working within the continuous improvement mindset the agile framework promotes; you too can iterate and improve your agile ceremonies over time.

    Ready to get started?

    Easy Agile TeamRhythm supports your team's agile practices in Jira. Supporting your team from planning right through to retrospective, TeamRhythm helps you and your team work better together to deliver value to your customers.

    Features include:

    • Agile sprint and version planning tool - Planning is quick and easy when you create and estimate issues on the story map. View your work under initiatives and epics, and see swimlane stats at a glance, ensuring team capacity is filled but not overcommitted
    • Agile story mapping - Map the customer journey using initiatives, epics, and stories alongside your agile Jira boards. Quickly and easily add new or existing stories inside the story map. Drag and drop to prioritize by value to the customer.
    • Product backlog refinement - Escape your flat backlog and view your work on the story map matrix. Drag and drop issues to prioritize or schedule. Quickly update story summaries and story point estimates with inline editing for a better backlog.
    • Team retrospectives - Celebrate success, gain insights, and share learnings with team retrospective boards for scrum and kanban, encouraging collaboration and transparency, so you and your team are continuously improving.