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Migration Hub

We are here to support you on your migration journey

The Easy Agile team and our Partner network is here and ready to help your team with their migration journey. Our global partner network is made up of agile experts who specialise in helping enterprises find success and efficiencies and can lead you to Data Centre (DC) or Cloud.

As you may be aware, Atlassian announced it is ‘Moving to a Cloud future, together

Whether you are still deciding on your next move, or starting your migration journey to DC or Cloud, the Easy Agile team are here to help.

Easy Agile Programs, TeamRhythm and Roadmaps are ready to migrate (via JCMA) with helpful documentation there to guide you along the way. You love our apps because we make agile easier, and we want your migration journey with Easy Agile to be just as seamless.

Migration Help pages:

Easy Agile Programs

Easy Agile TeamRhythm

Easy Agile Roadmaps

Atlassian’s documentation on migrating from Server to Cloud

Atlassian’s documentation on migrating from Server to DC

Frequently asked questions

When will support for Atlassian Server products end?
When will user tier upgrades or downgrades end?
When will new app sales end?
When will I no longer be able to receive support?
Who do I contact if I have questions?