

  • Workflow

    How to Simplify Your Workflow With Visual Task Management

    How organized are your Jira boards? On the scale of “well-thought-user-stories-beautifully-prioritized-by-customer-value” to “the-digital-equivalent-of-a-90’s-era-laminate-desk-cluttered-by-sticky-notes-and-old-coffee-cups”, where do yours sit?

    It might be time to find a tool to help you whip your Jira issues into shape. And the best way to keep things in shape is to visualize the work in one place.

    Read on for tips and to see how Easy Agile TeamRhythm helps you prioritize work effectively.

    Visual task management

    Put simply, when you can see something clearly, it’s easier to understand and manage. Enter: visual task management.

    Visual task management uses boards to display and track work, which can give you a view of complex project tasks that makes it easier to comprehend.

    For those of us who work in Jira, well yes we can see our epics, stories and tasks on the screen, but it isn’t always clear how they relate to each other.

    That’s where a tool like a User Story Map, such as the one in Easy Agile TeamRhythm, offers so much value.

    Get to the benefits

    Giving yourself the ability to visualize your work comes with a long list of benefits. When your whole team can see the work laid out before them, communication is easier and teamwork can improve.

    1. Consistent communication

    Local and remote teams can see the same view of work from any location. Epics across the backbone with linked issues lined up beneath. When work is added or changed, you still have a central source of truth that is shared by everyone, no matter where they’re located.

    2. A time-saving tool

    Sprint or version planning is quick and easy when team members have all the information they need in a single view. Planning is much easier when initiatives, epics, user stories and subtasks along with story points and goals, can all be seen in one place.

    Easy Agile TeamRhythm provides this all-in-one view, along with the ability to create and estimate new issues on the story map, and sequence them with drag and drop. Easy.

    3. Avoid unexpected roadblocks

    Ever had a release derailed by an unexpected dependency? For a smooth and dependable release, you need visibility of issues that are dependent on others.

    We’ve made it easy to visualize the dependencies between issues on the TeamRhythm User Story Map, so you can avoid unexpected delays and keep delivering value to your customers.

    You can choose to see dependencies between issues that are on the same board (internal dependencies), and where one issue is on another board (external dependencies). This gives you a clear picture of how work should be prioritized so that you avoid roadblocks and manage delays before they become a problem.

    Read more: Dependency lines on the TeamRhythm User Story Map >>

    4. Productivity increases

    Working life is better when you can see how your contribution makes a difference. When everyone in the team can see how their work is important, and ideas for how to do things better start to flow, that’s when you start smashing your goals.

    We’ve designed Easy Agile TeamRhythm to help teams focus on continuous improvement. That is something for everyone to get excited about because the team leads with their ideas for how they can make their working life better. Turn those ideas into Jira issues in just a few clicks so you can put things into action in the very next sprint.

    Turn retrospective action items into Jira issues in just a few clicks

    TeamRhythm helps you see what to do first

    Laid out clearly in a User Story Map format, with the ability to overlay a map of dependency lines, TeamRhythm makes it really clear which issues need to be tackled first to make sure that you can keep delivering for your customers.

    Everyone in the team has an instant view of their priorities. Communication is streamlined. Collaboration is simplified and productivity increases. Doesn’t that sound great?!

    Watch a demo, learn about pricing, and try for yourself in our sandbox. Visit the Easy Agile TeamRhythm Features and Pricing page for more.

    Easy Agile TeamRhythm


  • Workflow

    The User Journey Map Begins With Epic Storytelling

    Storytelling is an excellent way to describe anything because stories conjure detailed images. Once you create a visual association, cognitive processes leap into action to make the story in the user journey map a reality that is easy to track.

    This is what the customer journey map (CJM) is all about—epic storytelling that involves comprehensive planning to capture the design process and deliver a unique customer experience.

    Creating a customer journey map (also called the user journey map) involves planning a project from the user’s point of view and using personas, epics, features, user stories, and tasks. This visualization process also involves several stakeholders as user personas on the road to planning perfection.

    By the end of the project, your CJM should help achieve business goals and exceed customer expectations with enough touchpoints along the way to motivate satisfaction. The process is a little like rubbing Aladdin's lamp to manifest your deepest wishes.

    What is the user journey map?

    In contrast to the flat backlog, the customer journey map makes the vision for your project come alive in real-time. You get to use creative storytelling to generate a magical customer experience through visual representations.

    Project team members accomplish this by developing an empathy map to an almost-perfect plan from the customer’s perspective. User journey mapping captures the customer’s emotional state, which helps identify touchpoints and pain points. Teams then use these points to elevate the customer experience.

    Unlike rubbing a genie’s lamp for results, you get to use convenient software to develop a service blueprint where design thinking reflects a shared vision between stakeholders.

    The starting point is to anticipate customer interactions with the mobile app or other e-commerce project development story. That’s why user research is another vital element in developing the customer journey map template.

    This customer journey map template should also draw valuable information from the empathy map and the experience map. An in-depth understanding of the KPIs and metrics that go into storytelling helps direct product usability through appreciating customer interactions with the product.

    Customer interactions generate feedback, which leads to understanding customer's needs. Additional touchpoints can then be included or modified to build on the overall project outcomes.

    Essentially, you use hierarchical storytelling on a magical customer journey map template to meet real-life expectations that resonate with the customer experience.

    The customer journey mapping hierarchy

    user journey map: board full of sticky notes

    When beginning the journey to create the ideal customer experience, team members should visualize the project from the user’s current state. Once you capture the essence of the current customer perspective, you can better understand what needs to change and improve.

    A simple example may be a travel app that encompasses services such as travel agent services, flight bookings, and accommodation in a geographical area (present state). The client wants to create a future state app which contains tourist activities to augment the customer experience. The basic process will then look like this:

    For app customers who want a value-add experience with our travel app which is a helpful resource that provides tips on local tourist activities.

    Your user journey map hierarchy involves four building blocks to meet customers’ needs:

    1. Understanding user personas or buyer personas
    2. Developing themes and epics to address touchpoints
    3. Using steps or features to support epics and the narrative flow
    4. The stories in the customer journey map

    1. Understand user personas or buyer personas

    The user journey map starts with defining the user personas or buyer personas as vital stakeholders in project development. These customer personas represent the top of the hierarchy, which is the starting point of the customer journey map.

    A detailed visual reflection of the user persona is vital to getting your final product right. To deliver this, you need to walk through the story mapping journey from the customer’s perspective. This helps avoid the nasty consequences of inadequate planning that results in sub-optimum deliverables and unhappy teams and customers.

    To understand user personas, you need to identify the various potential touchpoints in the journey and customer pain points through use cases and feedback. You’ll need to anticipate as many potential scenarios as possible from the buyer persona’s perspective.

    Although the “who,” “what,” and “why” are instrumental in defining the user story, it all begins with visualizing user personas and thinking about customer behaviors, demographics, needs, and goals.

    Once you define who your customer personas are, you can follow up with themes and epics to deliver on customer expectations. The epics are the heroes or heroines in this story visualization method.

    2. Develop themes and epics to address touchpoints

    The customer journey map positions epics at the top of the storyboard because they are vital to creating a great project.

    Team leaders must consult with the client and relevant stakeholders to develop an overarching project theme, to translate into epics. Epics flow through this theme from left to right. These epics show large bodies of work broken down into smaller features which can meet continuous delivery value.

    Epics are also strategic directives that begin with the current state of an issue and move the situation into a desirable future state. This epic future state is built on tactics, or features and tasks, which team members use to clarify project requirements and move toward that magical future state of project success.

    Before team members can move forward, they need to get the epics right. Epics cover three fundamental foundations: user persona, product, and design requirements, which reflect visually on the user journey map.

    The epics should meet several foundational requirements:

    • Follow through by aligning the overall business goals with detailed buyer personas and demographics
    • Broadly outline the user persona’s needs
    • Meet specific customer needs by addressing touchpoints and pain points
    • Include specific functions, features, and benefits
    • Produce a future state ideal project

    After designing your heroic epics to cover the project's primary goals, you can start breaking these into steps that integrate with the overall narrative flow of the user story.

    3. Use epics for highlighting the narrative flow

    Once you clearly define your epics, it’s time to generate narrower steps or features.

    As your epics move from left to right, you must define each of the necessary steps to accomplish business goals. This customizable process uses epics to relay the user journey over the project duration to reflect project outcomes.

    The customer journey map template also forms the basis of the ideal user story as you transition from epics to features. The features originate from the epics, which is why the epics are the heroes in this story. They “save” customers with excellent planning and deliverables.

    At its most basic level, features should include the following elements:

    • Deliverables that add value and support epics completion
    • Generate business value by considering KPIs, metrics, customer acquisition, and retention
    • Demonstrate sufficient definition for team members to follow through on time estimates and complete tasks within one to three sprints
    • Team members must be able to test the results of their features
    • Establish test criteria for each feature to set acceptable quality standards that meet customer expectations before moving to the next step

    In short, the user acceptance criteria (UAC) in the user journey map should include a brief item value description, a feature benefit explanation, and the feature quality completion points that team members must achieve.

    Only once you nail these details can you tell the user stories from the customer's perspective. Similarly, only once you complete these three fundamental building blocks in the customer journey map can you focus on user stories and business goals that include customer satisfaction and retention.

    4. Begin storytelling through the user journey map

    After the third step in the hierarchy of the user journey map, the actual user stories begin. This is the final step in design thinking related to the visualization of epics into manageable stories and tasks.

    To state the buyer persona case, team members must understand the “who,” “what,” and “why” of the customer experience. Understanding and defining the customer personas forms the basis of user story creation, enabling delivery of the most acceptable product possible.

    Developing the best story relies on creating user stories that highlight the customer experience and use cases that highlight the finer details of system performance.

    In the story creation phase, team members assume the customer’s perspective to define requests. Team members can consider exploring social media to understand customer behavior and experiences to use as story inputs. User stories can also include enabler tasks to augment feature completion.

    Team members typically write their user stories to complete these in short sprints. Sprint completion involves task completion for release before completing one epic and moving to the next, except where concurrent work is possible.

    Ultimately, the user journey map must tell the customer’s story of how their need will be met by creating or modifying a product, process, service, or system feature. New developments must follow through on the formula of “as a…” “I want…” “so that...”

    As a new Agile team member, I want to understand my and other team member's roles so that I am clear about my tasks and the responsibilities of other team members.

    After generating user stories, team members can break tasks into even smaller parts to facilitate work deliverables and reduce potential churn that negatively impacts customer retention.

    As the user journey map progresses, the stories should clearly outline the activities for completion, always linking these back to buyer persona goals. The smaller, granular tasks then relate to user behaviors, and the outcomes link to each step of the process to reinforce what deliverables will meet customer needs within set timeframes.

    During the customer journey map, stories can be split further to accomplish greater clarity.

    Bottom line: The customer journey map

    Through the customer journey mapping process, you should capture the primary epics of the user journey in the story map visualization.

    You will need to develop the user story map holistically and interrupt it with additions and subtractions in an iterative fashion. This iterative user story mapping process helps minimize churn as you continue to update your story as you move forward.

    Once the project is done, you need to test the product on potential customers, gather customer feedback, and improve the user journey map.

    The benefits of carefully planning the customer experience through a visual format are exponential.

    Tell your project story with Easy Agile User Story Maps for Jira

    The customer journey should highlight the ideal user experience. To do this, the user story map should incorporate the project from user personas to achieve stories with valuable touchpoints as markers along the way.

    Once the visual representation is done, it should validate the service blueprint for the customer journey mapping process through the current and future states of the project.

    Throughout the project, your team should create a unique user journey that delivers the ultimate customer experience and exceeds customer expectations.

    Try Easy Agile TeamRhythm and Personas today to make your customers' stories come alive with magic.

  • Product

    How Strategy Roadmaps Turn Strategic Visions Into Action

    Most strategies fail because the execution falls short.

    A strategy roadmap helps bridge this gap between vision and actions. It gives you a visual of how to execute a strategy, and it outlines key results in an appropriate time frame. (The product roadmap embodies the same principles but on a smaller scale.)

    Basically, the strategic roadmap can help team leaders plan how to achieve the goals of a strategic vision and share the business vision with stakeholders.

    Here, you’ll learn why you need a roadmap and how to plan one.

    Why do you need a strategic roadmap?

    Business plans are ideas on paper. Strategy roadmaps are practical.

    Agile teams and leaders often outline a strategic plan to achieve a company vision. However, most leaders do not define how to achieve this vision.

    Strategic roadmaps fill the gap between business strategy creation and implementation, so team members know exactly what to do.

    A roadmap gives a visual representation of what tasks need to be carried out. It also clarifies stakeholder roles and responsibilities and helps evaluate whether you have enough resources to achieve your goals. Lastly, it can be used as a communication tool for teams and stakeholders.

    Without roadmapping, organizations can lose sight of the vision, communications become unclear, and teams fall short.

    When you create a strategic roadmap, you are making an in-depth plan for meaningful changes. You also understand why the changes are necessary, what tasks to undertake to realize those changes, and the sequence in which specific actions must occur.

    Create your strategic roadmap in 6 steps

    Once you understand the need for change and the sequence to apply the changes, you can establish a strategic roadmap for any process.

    Remember that while you're roadmapping, you should always link your strategic roadmap objectives with the business vision as you work through these steps.

    1. Understand the change you want to achieve

    Ask yourself what obstacles stand in the way of achieving the vision. Once you outline the challenges you face, you can establish ways to overcome them.

    2. Establish short-term objectives

    Here, you need to develop long-term strategic plans and short-term objectives. Then, you can figure out how to achieve them. Each short-term objective must link to a specific goal from the business vision.

    3. Evaluate your resources

    Here, product managers should address their resources (staff, time, finances, technology, etc.) and whether these are enough to achieve their strategic goals. If not, you’ll either need to adjust the plan or find more resources.

    Keep relevant KPIs in mind when evaluating your resources. For example, if you want to monitor customer acquisition, you may need additional software to measure current and future service levels.

    You can use change indicators to show where your resources are at for each strategic roadmap action.

    Change indicators can include:

    N: No change needed

    L, M, H: A low, medium, or high-level change is necessary

    New: New capabilities are required to bring about change

    Link these indicators with each objective.

    4. Plan how you’ll gain resources

    Now, you need to develop a process to gain any needed resources.

    An example of this: To increase sales, you’ll hire a new salesperson. That means chatting with human resources about searching and assessing candidates.

    5. Develop the initiatives

    You should now question how to group actions. With a software development project, you’ll follow a Scrum workflow process. This means you’ll break features down into smaller action items for easier delivery to meet sprint targets.

    As in step 4, you may identify more initiatives than you can manage. Use prioritization metrics, use a SWOT analysis, or a balanced scorecard to decide which initiatives to tackle first. One way to do this is to number the initiatives by their importance and limit each action's importance. You will probably end up only implementing the top five initiatives, depending on your capabilities.

    6. Create the strategy roadmap

    Gather all the information from these steps, and record them in an official document or presentation.

    When creating the roadmap, consider:

    • Simplifying the road mapping process so all stakeholders can understand
    • Clearly communicating why the change is necessary and how the roadmap helps with the visualization of the impending process
    • Showing what changes should be made and how these will solve the problem
    • Making direct associations between the "why," "what," and "how" so that you can record any needed alterations

    Where can you use a strategic roadmap?

    There are many possible uses for a strategy roadmap. Here are several examples to consider:

    1. Getting buy-in from investors

    A startup can use a strategy roadmap to give potential investors everything they need to know about the company’s goals.

    A startup roadmap is an excellent complement to a business plan. Both formats demonstrate in-depth thinking about existing capabilities and how you can move from a current to a future state. Prioritization of capabilities also demonstrates reliable strategic thinking.

    2. Product road mapping

    As mentioned, the product roadmap is like a small-scale strategic roadmap.

    Team leaders must also develop a product strategy and show product teams how to achieve those changes. Product roadmaps help to clarify new product development and iterations and link dependencies.

    The outcome is the development of successful products.

    (Pro tip: Easy Agile Roadmaps for Jira can help you create the perfect product template.)

    3. Capability-based planning

    You can use a strategic roadmap to create change across the organization. Your business plan should address the people, processes, and physical changes you’ll need for a successful change initiative. Prioritize the most important initiatives, and list these on your roadmap to provide a practical course of action for team members to follow.

    Make a strategic vision a reality with a strategic roadmap

    Product teams can clarify backlogs and timeframes and prioritize resources with product roadmaps. Managers can link strategic visions with strategic roadmaps. Roadmaps help bridge the divide between strategy and goal achievement.

    Start enacting your vision with a strategy roadmap initiative today. To get started, check out Easy Agile Roadmaps for Jira. Then, follow whichever roadmap template you need to achieve your goals.

  • Product

    Easy Agile Roadmaps: How To Create a Product Roadmap Template

    Roadmaps help agile teams produce great products. They’re iterative, visual, collaborative, and they can be created directly in Jira. We designed the simplest roadmapping tool for Jira to bring the benefits of roadmaps straight to agile development teams. Use the Easy Agile Roadmaps app to create product roadmap templates that are simple to use, flexible, and integrated directly within Jira.

    In a previous post, we shared a quick guide on how to create a Jira roadmap using Easy Agile Roadmaps. If you haven’t used Easy Agile Roadmaps yet, start there to install a free 30-day evaluation and create a product roadmap in Jira.

    This post will cover some of the key features of our app, including how to synchronize your roadmap, schedule work from your backlog onto the timeline, create theme swimlanes, and visualize key date milestones.

    The benefits of roadmapping

    Roadmaps are extremely useful. Here are just a few of the things they can do:

    • Provide a big picture vision for agile teams
    • Provide a visual summary of the product development process
    • Communicate strategic initiatives and business objectives
    • Allow for real-time iterations
    • Provide a clear time frame to keep product strategy on track
    • Ensure short-term goals are met as soon as possible while still keeping an eye on long-term goals
    • Help product managers oversee and organize product releases
    • Track important release dates and product launches
    • Keep everyone up-to-date on broader business goals
    • Illustrate both a detailed and high-level overview of deliverables
    • Help product managers and team members see dependencies between issues
    • Help development teams bring constant value to external stakeholders

    Plus, when you create a Jira roadmap, you have quick access to your product plans, and you always know exactly where your roadmap lives — right in our app. No more chasing down Gantt Charts or looking for one-off PowerPoint presentations!

    Easy Agile Roadmaps: configuration, themes, markers, and PDF export

    We designed the simplest and most flexible roadmapping tool for Jira to help agile teams work better together. Easy Agile Roadmaps create a flexible, iterative, and easy-to-use visual timeline of product development, allowing product owners to sequence the most critical features for customer delivery.

    Watch our demo or follow the instructions below to:

    • Synchronize Jira start and due date fields
    • Schedule issues on the timeline
    • Add swimlane themes
    • Configure version and date markers
    • Export the roadmap as a PDF

    Synchronize Jira start and due date fields

    We require users to specify which date fields should be mapped directly to the roadmap for a synchronized roadmapping experience. You’ll need to choose your date fields since multiple custom date fields may exist, such as project start and end dates or contract start and end dates.

    A Jira administrator is required to map date fields.

    Navigate to the Jira administrative cog and click “Manage apps” from the dropdown menu. Down the left-hand side of the manage apps page, find “Easy Agile Roadmaps,” and click configuration. Here, you can select the desired date field.

    product roadmap template: Easy Agile Roadmap Altassian screenshot

    In each dropdown menu, you will see all of the available date fields to choose from on your Jira instance. Next, ensure that both of those date fields are associated with the screens used by your product teams.

    product roadmap template: screenshot Easy Agile Roadmap teams

    Once installed, Easy Agile Roadmaps can be found in the project sidebar for every Scrum and Kanban agile board. Clicking on the roadmap icon in the project sidebar will load your roadmap for your selected board. From the dropdown menu in the top right corner, you have the option to view your roadmap from a weekly, monthly, or quarterly timeline scale.

    Schedule issues on the timeline

    After loading your roadmap, two theme swimlanes are present on the roadmap. The first is an example roadmap titled “My theme” that can be renamed. The second is a swimlane called “issues without themes.” Any issues populated within your selected date fields will appear on the timeline in a swimlane titled “issues without themes,” located at the bottom of your roadmap.

    You can use the drag-and-drop functionality to move any issue to a different theme or place it on the timeline.

    product roadmap template: Moving tasks in Roadmaps by Easy Agile GIF

    Issues from your board that have not been populated with start and due date fields can be added to your roadmap from the issues panel. Click on the blue “Issues” button in the top right corner of the roadmap, and simply drag an issue from the panel onto the timeline to schedule it on your roadmap.

    Issues can be resized to show their expected start date, duration, and end date. To resize an issue, drag the left or right end to the desired date.

    Create swimlane themes

    You can slice your roadmap using theme swimlanes. These are a flexible way of grouping work and dividing the roadmap into a more visually digestible format. Theme swimlanes can represent anything suitable for your business context, from distinct themes of work to project components. Examples of themes include health and safety, customer onboarding experience, or customer satisfaction and engagement.

    product roadmap template: Roadmaps by Easy Agile My Themes GIF

    To create a new themed swimlane, click the “Create Theme” button located at the top of your roadmap. Name your theme, and press “Submit.” Your new theme will appear above the issues without themes swimlane and can be reordered using the arrows to the right-hand side of its name.

    Configure version and date markers

    Use Markers to visualize key date milestones and Jira fix versions on your roadmap.

    To add Jira fix versions to your timeline, select the “Markers” button from the top of the roadmap. Click “Add Marker” to the fix versions you want to add to your roadmap.

    Date markers are a flexible way of representing milestones or events, such as conferences, beta periods, or marketing campaign launches. To create a date marker, select the “Markers” button from the top of the roadmap. Select the option “Add a Date Marker.” Name your date marker or milestone, set the start and end date, and choose the marker color. Use color to signify different types of events and to add another layer of visual organization to your roadmap.

    product roadmap template: Add date marker GIF from Roadmaps by Easy Agile

    Export the roadmap as a PDF

    The roadmap can be exported as a PDF to share with users and stakeholders who don't have access to Jira. To export your roadmap, click on the ellipses menu and select “Export to PDF.”

    Select the timeframe you would like to share using the start and end date options, then press “Export.”

    PDF export screenshot in Roadmaps by Easy Agile

    Product roadmap template example

    Below is an example product roadmap template made with Easy Agile Roadmaps. The roadmap shows product launch dates, events, and overdue tasks with vertical colored Markers. Issues are arranged and scheduled by date in themed swimlanes that further organize the roadmap.

    Example of product roadmap in Easy Agile

    Easy Agile Roadmaps are completely customizable, so you can establish a process that works best for your team and your stakeholders.

    How to get the most out of a product roadmap

    ✅ Utilize swimlane themes to tell a story about the customer journey. Ensure swimlane themes are customer-focused, so you always have their needs top-of-mind.

    ✅ Think of the roadmap as a living document. It will continue to evolve based on the needs of your team and stakeholders.

    ✅ Ensure the roadmap is accessible to all stakeholders so that they understand what’s going on and why you are making each decision. If necessary, regularly export the roadmap as a PDF for stakeholders who can’t access Jira to ensure organizational alignment.

    ✅ Actively collaborate with stakeholders, and involve them in the entire process. This will give you a clear understanding of what work will bring the most value to customers.

    We dig deeper and expand on these guiding principles in our Product Roadmap Guide.

    Try Easy Agile Roadmaps free for 30 days

    Product roadmaps are widely used by agile teams since they simplify product goals and planning with a visual representation of the product journey.

    Easy Agile Roadmaps help teams align around a product vision to continually bring value to customers. Complete a product roadmap so you can impress your team and stakeholders before ever making a commitment. Start your 30-day free trial to see what a difference this can make in your process.

    If you have additional questions, ask us for an on-demand demo, which covers the features outlined in this post. Or, contact our team at any time with specific questions about any of our Easy Agile apps.

  • Workflow

    Crush a Product Launch with Your Product Management Framework

    The perfect product launch is an elusive beast. As the launch date nears, the pressure mounts while the product manager deals with last-minute changes, bugs infesting the Jira board, and some network or server issue that threatens to ruin everything. You might have the perfect product management framework, yet the journey to the finish line is usually anything but elegant.

    Whether you're launching a new product or releasing a new feature, product managers thrive on the excitement, exhilaration — and exhaustion! -— that come with the job, particularly surrounding significant releases. Even with careful planning, an exquisite product roadmap, and a neatly refined backlog, the final moments before launch always seem to end in a fight to the finish.

    Before you place all the blame on your product management framework, or worse, your product team (Nah, you would never do that!), take a step back and breathe. We’ll walk through some ideas on how you can relieve some of the chaos on launch day. (Let's be honest, no drama on launch day would be just a little disappointing.)

    Pre-launch planning

    product management framework: woman showing sticky notes to her co workers

    If you're using an agile product development methodology like Scrum or Kanban, you're already ahead of the game in terms of planning. Experienced PMs will have a roadmap with t-shirt sized epics and stories carefully laid out using established prioritization methods.

    Based on your product strategy, you may choose to release new product features to production after each iteration. But sometimes, the product marketing plan requires a bigger splash. In this case, you can take advantage of press releases, major advertising events, or other high-visibility marketing opportunities.

    Planning how you intend to release the product is as important as deciding what will be part of the release. Product development teams need to coordinate with product marketing to consider the following:

    • Will you do a soft launch to a limited audience?
    • Do you need to pre-release specific components to test pricing, marketing copy, or usability?
    • Will you leave pre-releases in the wild until launch, or will you test for a specific time period and then pull them back?
    • Do you have a hard date on which you must release (ex., Super Bowl Sunday), or is there some flexibility in the timing?

    Answers to these questions drive the release strategy, which is then factored into your release plan and execution.

    When it comes to determining what features to include in your product launch, you can choose from a variety of product management frameworks or use a hybrid approach and mix and match the methodologies to fit your situation.

    The Kano model, AARRR (acquisition, activation, retention, referral, and revenue) theory, and OKRs (objectives and key results) all provide product management frameworks. These help product owners plan feature releases that align with the product vision and realize profitability objectives.

    Remember: It's always a good idea to have a Plan B or even a Plan C to allow for unexpected events or issues that tend to rear their heads just before a launch. Atlassian has a great product launch template to get you started if you're working on your first release.

    Launch day planning

    A launch day checklist is your best friend on launch day. You might even want or need more than one list. A product launch has too many moving parts across too many teams for you to rely on memory alone. Your marketing, IT, and product teams will all play a role in the launch, performing necessary activities for their roles.

    Particularly if this might be the first product launch in your startup, checklists help product teams think through details with clear heads well before launch day. The best plan is to ask each team to create their checklist and then meet as a group to align and coordinate each task's timing. Some launch day tasks are independent, ready to be tackled at any time. In contrast, others will be more time-sensitive or dependent on something else happening.

    For teams with a few launches under your belt, these checklists hold the lessons learned from prior releases and, when updated after each launch, turn your team into a smooth-as-silk, product-launching machine.

    Post-launch planning

    As you know, a product launch is not the end game. Once the dust settles and everyone has gotten some sleep, you need to measure how the product performs. Planning how to measure the product’s initial key metrics allows product managers to communicate results to stakeholders early and as often as necessary.

    Measuring key product metrics after a launch validates your decision-making of the product features, confirms you built the right product for the market, and helps you ask and answer the right questions when planning more feature builds and marketing strategies.

    Important key product indicators following the launch can include total sales, top attribution channels, activation stats, and affinity sales. If you're launching a new feature within an existing product, you'll also want to keep an eye on retention numbers. A spike in churn rates could indicate a problem with the user experience or the underlying technology solution.

    Beyond measuring the results of your release, you'll also need to prepare what's next. After your development team gets some shut-eye, they'll come back to work looking for their next assignment. You'll need to have your backlog ready for the next sprint planning ceremony, and then, it's back to business as usual. There may also be some immediate customer feedback that needs to be actioned.

    Once you get your team off and running toward the next release, it’s time to take a look at your roadmap. You’ll likely discover new information when customers start using your new product or feature. It’s a good idea to leave some room in the roadmap to take on work discovered during the first few weeks of your launch.

    Then there’s one last thing — CELEBRATE!! You and your team worked hard and accomplished something really cool! It’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind toward the next release. Take some time to pat yourselves on the back for a job well done.

    Use your product management framework to tackle launch day like a rock star

    With some planning and flexibility, you can set up your product team to make launch day look like a walk in the park. And the sooner you get good at this, the better. You'll always be launching something throughout the product lifecycle, from the initial MVP to new features to the end-of-life process.

    Thorough roadmapping gets you off to a solid start, and as you get closer to launch day, you'll build out more of the critical details to ensure you don't miss anything. Cross-team coordination is essential, and checklists help open communication channels and get the entire team on the same page.

    Early reporting on results builds confidence with stakeholders and is also a great way to show your team the results of their efforts.

    Enjoy the adrenaline rush of launch day, but try to eliminate a little of the chaos and stress. As soon as you've launched, it's time to move on to the next thing. That's the nature of product development, and that's why we love it.

  • Workflow

    Product Roadmaps: Your Guide To Why and How To Use Them

    We often get questions about why product roadmaps are considered an agile tool. To some, it seems quite “un-agile” to set concrete dates for a long list of tasks you will likely never get done.

    That assumption couldn’t be more wrong. It presumes that a product roadmap is an old, overdone practice more akin to Waterfall predecessors like the *cough*Gantt Chart *cough*. This is not the case. Gantt Charts are for task dependency, and they assume that work will be completed in a linear fashion.

    On the other hand, a true product roadmap is completely subject to change. It’s a living document meant to serve as a guide. The roadmap shows what a team needs to accomplish to create specific features or otherwise complete tasks that will provide the most value to customers in a certain timeframe.

    This flexibility allows product development teams to make the most informed choices. To help teams do this, we built the simplest and most flexible roadmapping tool for Jira (more on this later). Here, you’ll learn about the benefits of using product roadmaps, the guiding principles of the roadmapping process, and how to use roadmapping tools effectively.

    What is an agile product roadmap?

    Agile is a broad term for a non-linear way of working that prioritizes flexibility and collaboration. This working style helps teams iterate as they go rather than stick to a rigid plan that doesn’t adapt to new information.

    Think of agile as the complete opposite of an assembly line process for making a product. An assembly line has a strict plan where one step happens after the next. Each piece falls into place one after another without extra input or iteration.

    🖍 Great for an assembly line of Crayola products, not so great for software development. 📱

    Rather than use the assembly line approach, agile teams work collaboratively and iteratively on new products in order to detect roadblocks early, before they can cause a delay. And, Product teams use agile tools to provide clients and stakeholders value on a consistent basis.

    Basically, agile product roadmaps are key to producing a great product.

    They provide a smooth and collaborative planning process for development teams while maintaining the strategic objectives and product vision stakeholders expect. On top of all that, the flexibility provided by agile product roadmapping delights customers by consistently meeting their evolving needs, whims, and desires.

    The benefits of roadmapping for product management

    There are many benefits of roadmapping for everyone involved. Roadmapping assists product managers, helps the development team collaborate, gives stakeholders a clear view of the process, and ensures customers are continually pleased with product features and functionality.

    Effective roadmap tools can provide the following benefits:

    • Enable teams to align their vision around product features
    • Provide a clear visual of the most critical prioritizations
    • Ensure short-term product goals are met as soon as possible while monitoring and adjusting long-term goals
    • Align all team members on what’s most important at any given time
    • Keep track of specific product launch and release dates
    • Maintain the product vision and business goals
    • Ensure all stakeholders can view and give feedback on the current product plan
    • Ship a product and solve issues relatively quickly
    • Bring constant value to stakeholders and customers

    For most teams, it’s truly the beating heart of product development.

    4 guiding principles to get the most out of your product roadmaps

    Product roadmap: Group of employees brainstorming during a meeting

    We’re obsessed with roadmapping and the many agile strategies that help teams work more effectively. So, we pulled together a list of the most important guiding principles that will ensure your agile team gets the most out of your product roadmap.

    1. Focus on themes of work, not features

    In the simplest form, themes represent high-level groups of work (like epics). In an agile product roadmap, themes should be customer-focused, unlike traditional waterfall roadmaps where themes tend to focus on business objectives.

    Examples of themes include:

    • Customer onboarding experience
    • Reducing tech debt
    • Customer satisfaction and engagement

    By grouping work into themes, teams are able to tell a story about where they are headed as well as the goals, objectives, and outcomes that will get them there. User stories provide high-level visualization so that teams can answer critical questions:

    • What are we doing?
    • Why are we doing it?
    • How does it link back to our Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)?

    2. Think of the roadmap as a living document

    Product managers need to educate their stakeholders on the true purpose of the product roadmap to manage expectations and ensure everyone is on the same page.

    A product roadmap is not a promise. It’s a living document that’s meant to serve as a flexible guide.

    You need to teach all stakeholders that the roadmap represents chunks of work, such as new features, functionality, and metrics customers value most at a specific period of time. It’s inevitable and expected that customer needs and preferences will change. The roadmap should be adjusted and amended to reflect these changes as time goes by.

    The agile product development process should change to maximize the value customers experience. This is what it’s all about!

    3. Actively collaborate with stakeholders

    Involve everyone in the process, including internal stakeholders, external stakeholders, and the full development team when planning, reviewing, or adjusting the roadmap.

    The product manager doesn’t need to be the only one representing the customer’s voice. By gaining the perspective of developers, the sales team, customer support, and engineers, you get a holistic view of the customer experience. This will give you a clear view of what your customers value to determine what should be done when.

    4. Ensure the roadmap is accessible to all stakeholders

    The product roadmap should be the team’s single source of truth, representing the plan of execution against the company's Objectives and Key Results (OKRs).

    Understanding what’s going on and why each person is doing what they’re doing is crucial to establishing transparency and confidence in your team.

    The roadmap represents the team’s overall vision for a period of time. Ensuring the roadmap is accessible to all stakeholders achieves organizational alignment.

    Product strategy with Easy Agile roadmaps for Jira

    Screenshot of a product roadmap

    We teased above that we’d tell you more about Easy Agile Roadmaps. We designed the simplest and most flexible roadmapping tool for Jira. Our roadmap software helps teams align around a product vision to sequence the most critical features for customer delivery.

    Easy Agile Roadmaps are designed for everyone involved in the product development process from the product manager to the dev team to key stakeholders and customers. It works seamlessly with both Scrum and Kanban Jira Software boards. And, of course, it’s completely agile. Like, Simone Biles flexible.

    Say goodbye to clunky Excel sheets, one-off Powerpoint presentations, and static Gantt Charts. Easy Agile Roadmaps can create a visual roadmap timeline that’s flexible, iterative, and easy to use. Split scheduled work, add date markers, use Quick Filters, track your progress, and export the roadmap as needed. The tool uses a simple drag-and-drop functionality for a clean user experience, no matter the needs of your team.

    We’re so sure you’ll love it, you can try it free for 30 days. If you have any questions, our team is ready and waiting to hear from you, or watch an on-demand demo of our roadmapping app in action.

  • Agile Best Practice

    DEEP: The 4 Characteristics of a Good Product Backlog

    A product backlog represents all of the goals and desired outcomes within the development of a product. They are the specific tasks a team hopes to complete when they set out to design or improve upon a product.

    What makes a product backlog so effective is its agile nature. Backlogs are in constant evolution, changing and adapting based on the current needs of stakeholders and customers. To keep a backlog up-to-date and in its most effective form, it needs to be continuously refined and adapted. This process takes time, but there are simple, powerful strategies for maintaining a quality backlog.

    A good product backlog has four characteristics. It is:

    • Detailed appropriately
    • Estimated
    • Emergent
    • Prioritized

    We’ll cover all of these attributes in detail, including how you can ensure your product backlog is in good health. But first, let’s get on the same page about product backlogs and the refinement process.

    Transform your flat product backlog with

    Easy Agile TeamRhythm

    Try Now

    What is a product backlog?

    A product backlog is a prioritized and ordered list that represents the work to be completed by a development team. Backlog items are derived from the product roadmap and are organized based on the tasks that are most vital — the ones that will make the biggest impact at any given time.

    Backlog items represent what it will take to develop a new product or improve an existing one with new features. It’s all of the work a team will tackle in the future, but it’s also a flexible, living organism that evolves as a development team learns more about the product and its stakeholders.

    The product owner is in charge of ordering and prioritizing backlog items, placing high-priority items at the top. They are also responsible for backlog refinement, which ensures all backlog items are organized, have appropriate details, and are ready for any upcoming sprint planning.

    Product backlogs vs. sprint backlogs

    Sprint backlogs are quite similar to product backlogs, but they serve a different, more specific purpose. At the beginning of a Scrum, the product owner arranges the product backlog items that are to be completed by the Scrum team in that sprint.

    The Scrum product backlog represents a small subset of the overall product backlog. The product backlog is the entire bottle of wine, while the sprint backlog is the glass of wine you’re going to tackle next. In this analogy, the Scrum master is the sommelier, providing guidance, context, and feedback throughout the sprint.

    At the end of the sprint, a sprint review is conducted with the stakeholders to better understand what to tackle next. Backlog items that weren’t completed may be pushed back into the larger product backlog to get to at a later date or during the next sprint. Another sprint planning meeting will prepare the team to tackle the next batch of backlog items.

    Why does a backlog need refinement?

    Backlog refinement isn’t a luxury task reserved for when you get a chance to tidy up. Refinement is a key part of product backlog management that ensures a backlog always has the most recent, up-to-date information.

    Refining the backlog prepares it for the development team, saving time in the long-run. The process helps to prioritize items and ensures there’s nothing in your backlog that you no longer need.

    As you’re well aware, the agile methodology centers around flexibility and the ability to evolve a plan as new information or roadblocks appear. What you thought was important at the beginning of product development may not be necessary anymore, or your stakeholders may have turned you in a completely different direction.

    Product backlog refinement includes:

    • Adding detail to high-priority backlog items for greater comprehension.
    • Improving and reviewing estimates.
    • Removing items that are no longer relevant to the product.
    • Adding items based on new stakeholder feedback.
    • Making adjustments based on the most recent bug fixes.
    • Prioritizing items that bring customer value.
    • Ordering backlog items to deliver the most impact over the next sprint.

    Backlog refinement takes time, but it’s well worth the effort to have a healthy, up-to-date backlog that’s always ready for the development team.

    DEEP: The key attributes of a good product backlog

    Roman Pichler, the author of Agile Product Management with Scrum: Creating Products That Customers Love, developed DEEP to describe the key attributes of a good product backlog. The acronym DEEP helps product owners and development teams understand how to make smart decisions while maintaining a successful backlog.

    The concept is applied throughout the product backlog refinement process, which is a critical part of backlog management. Backlog refinement, previously called backlog grooming, is an ongoing process that ensures a backlog is in tip-top shape. We like to think of it like trimming the branches of a plant.

    To help a plant grow, you need to prune and trim it. The refinement process adds details where needed and prioritizes items based on the current information a product owner has from team members and stakeholders.

    DEEP stands for Detailed appropriately, Estimated, Emergent, and Prioritized.

    Following these guidelines and best practices will lead to a quality backlog, which will lead to smooth product development and a successful end result. Let’s dig into each attribute. 🔎

    Detailed appropriately

    Details matter, especially as a user story rises in priority. As a backlog item gets closer to being completed or moved into a sprint backlog, it requires more detail. Upcoming backlog items should be detailed appropriately, so they can be better understood by the development team. The closer an item is to being completed, the more detail it should have.

    On the other hand, items that are lower on the priority list don’t require nearly as much detail. It’s a poor use of time to add details to lower priority items since you never know how the backlog is going to evolve. You could waste a lot of time detailing low-priority items when they might be removed or revised later on in the process.


    Thorough estimation should be focused on high-priority items that will be tackled soon. As you refine your backlog and add more details to top-priority items, you can improve your estimation. A good option is using story points to zoom in on the details. They can help you accurately and practically reflect the reality of an item from the customer’s perspective.

    📘 Read our guide to incorporating user story points to start using this technique.

    Since not much is known about them, it’s difficult to properly estimate items that are lower in priority. When you are further down the priority list, your estimation will be more of a guess since you don’t have all of the information yet. In these cases, use a simple agile estimation technique, such as t-shirt sizing (labeling work items as XS, S, M, L, XL) to make a guesstimate. Based on the information you have at that moment in time, make an approximate estimate on the exertion required for that backlog item.


    The more you learn about the product and its customers, the more you can improve your product backlog. The backlog is a living document that represents your plan at any one given time. It’s not set in stone, and it should see revisions and improvements as you go.

    With the information gleaned from retrospectives and stakeholder feedback, you can update the backlog to reflect what you’ve learned along the way. Allow your backlog to evolve, adding, removing, and refining items as needed.


    A product backlog needs prioritization. Items at the top are a higher priority, and items toward the bottom are a lower priority. When deciding which items should be prioritized, consider the value each item will provide.

    Your team can maximize its efforts by prioritizing the backlog items that will provide the most value to customers at any given time. Since this will change depending on the current needs of your customers, you need to continually adjust and refine your priority order.

    Achieve a DEEP product backlog with Easy Agile

    Easy Agile is dedicated to helping agile teams work more effectively. We have a suite of Jira apps designed for teams that want to develop products that put the customer at the forefront of decision making.

    Easy Agile TeamRhythm transform your flat product backlog, prioritizing based on value to the customer and bringing the customer journey to life. They help teams organize and prioritize user stories while visualizing the customer journey. Keeping your customers embedded in your process will help you make refinement decisions that are in the best interest of the customer, no matter what phase of development you’re in.

    Learn more about our agile apps and follow our blog for the latest content for Jira teams.

  • Product

    How to create a Jira roadmap using Easy Agile Roadmaps [2021 update]

    Creating a product roadmap in Jira can fulfill a few really important roles.

    1. It can establish a vision for an agile team struggling for momentum.
    2. It can communicate to the broader business what you’re planning to work on in future iterations or sprints.
    3. It can help the product manager visually record dependencies between issues.

    Bonus: by creating a Jira roadmap you won’t need to track down that one you created in Google Sheets or PowerPoint (or did I create it as a table in Confluence?) 🤷

    Sorted. Sold. Show me how!

    Ok — this is how you can create a free roadmap in Jira using Easy Agile Roadmaps:

    Step 1. Go to the Atlassian Marketplace

    Hop over to the Atlassian Marketplace page for Easy Agile Roadmaps.

    Step 2. Start and install free 30 day evaluation

    Press the yellow ‘Try now’ button to start your 30 day free evaluation. This means you can create a full roadmap and impress your team before you decide if it’s right for you.

    You’ll need admin rights on your Jira to start a free evaluation. Or buy coffee for someone who does.

    Choose from Cloud, Server or Data Center (whichever Jira hosting type your company uses).

    Easy Agile Roadmaps for Jira - Start an evaluation

    Step 3. Open the roadmap

    Once Easy Agile Roadmaps is installed, each Scrum and Kanban board in Jira will have a linked roadmap.

    To open it up, look for the Roadmaps icon found in the Project Sidebar for all agile boards on Jira Server and for single-project agile boards on Jira Cloud.

    roadmap screenshot

    If you’re on a multi-project agile board on Jira Cloud, the roadmap link can be found in the ‘…’ dropdown on the top right of your agile board screen.


    Step 4. Add your first item to the Jira roadmap

    Your blank roadmap should now be staring at you. ✅

    You can add any issue type to a team’s roadmap. To access the issues from a team’s agile board, select the blue button marked either “Issues” or “Epics” in the top right of the roadmap.

    Select the ‘Options’ dropdown to check the issue types you would like to appear in your roadmap backlog.

    Then, drag and drop onto the roadmap. You can adjust the start and end dates and phasing of each issue by dragging the left or right ends of the coloured boxes.

    Easy Agile Roadmaps for Jira Software

    If you’d like to send your roadmap to someone who doesn’t use Jira, you can export it as a PDF.

    Congratulations! You just created a product roadmap in Jira. Now you can show it off to your team and delete your excel roadmaps FOREVER.

    There’s a ton of other features that comes with Easy Agile Roadmaps, like Themes, Version Markers and Date Markers.

    We’ll cover that in a future post. You can try out all of these in the free 30 day evaluation.

    But for now, bask in the glory of your new roadmap.

    Sit back and marvel at what you have created. You deserve it.

    Try roadmapping today with Easy Agile Roadmaps for Jira

    👉 👉 Read next: Principles of an Agile Product Roadmap

  • Workflow

    Customer Personas: How to Write Them and Why You Need Them In Agile Software Development

    It might seem trivial at first, to come together as a team, mocking up what seem like fake dating profiles for your most important customers. However, this exercise sets the foundation for other agile practices down the track, and its perceived benefits are often undervalued.

    Teams that have a shared understanding and alignment around who is actually using the solution they are delivering are more likely to succed.

    Agile practices have called for the development of cross-functional team members, which means this knowledge of who the customer is, is no longer the sole responsibility of a (traditional) Sales and Marketing team.

    Definition: What is a Customer Persona?

    Let’s dive straight in.

    Customer Personas are fictional generalisations of your most valuable customers. They help teams understand their customers by bringing together demographic information like age, gender, location, and income, alongside psychographic information like interests, frustrations and personal/professional motivations.

    example customer persona

    Building customer personas helps teams to address the following questions:

    • Who are our customers?
    • What are their common behavioural patterns?
    • What are their shared pain points (professional and personal)?
    • What are their universal goals/objectives?
    • What general demographic and psychographic information may influence their decisions?
    • What drives them to make purchasing decisions?
    • Is the customer the buyer / decision maker?

    Why are Customer Personas Important in Agile Software Development?

    I think by now, you’re starting to see that building customer personas provide value to the team, but just in case you’re not quite on the customer-persona train, here are a few really important reasons:

    Customer Personas help identify customer specific needs and wants:

    This understanding ensures that Product Managers, Designers, Developers etc. are delivering solutions that actually address real user challenges.

    Personas provide a “face” to the user story:

    This helps the team have a shared understanding of who their customers are and creates buy-in and empathy.

    Targeted/Segmented MarComs:

    Understanding your customers needs, challenges and behavioural influencers, allows you to better understand what content will appeal to them best, by segmenting your customers by persona type and tailoring your marketing communications to each specific group.

    Before We Start: Customer Persona Overview

    Let’s look at an overview of what “goes into” building customer personas and some discovery questions to help get you started.

    persona overview

    As you can see, a lot more thought goes into creating customer personas than simply guessing and gut feeling. So how do we go about defining all of the elemets listed above, and more specifically, what questions are we hoping to answer about our customers along the way?

    Let’s take a look at some discovery questions:

    Location: where do people from this persona live?

    Age: what is the average age/age range of this persona?

    Gender: are people representative of this persona predominantly male or female?

    Relationship Status: Single? Married? Children?

    Interests: what are the general interests of people in this persona?

    Language: what is the primary language used by people in this persona?

    Favourite Websites: where do people in this persona go to learn new information?

    Education: what level of education do they have?

    Job Title: what is/are typical job titles for people in this persona?

    Responsibilities: what does a typical work day look like for people in this persona?

    Frustrations: biggest challenges for people in this persona?

    Motivations: what motivates people in this persona to be successful?

    Personal/Professional Goals: what do they wish to achieve?

    Getting Started: Building Customer Personas

    It’s time to start creating our personas, and we’re going to break the process down into 2 steps;

    • Broadly define your personas
    • Look towards analytics and layer results

    1. Broadly Define Your Personas

    It’s not crazy to think that most companies will have some broad idea of who at least some of their customer personas are. This knowledge is accumulated over time and is based on customer feedback, support requests, conversations/interviews and initial market research.

    This knowledge is not to be underestimated and is a great starting point before looking towards analytics to flesh these personas out into more specific detail.

    Keep in mind that a single team member will not be able to paint a holistic picture of who the customers are. The qualitative methods of gathering information we listed above will call upon the knowledge of Customer Service, Sales, Marketing, Product Managers, Researchers etc. This is very much a team exercise.

    Example: Online Stationary Retailer

    If we took an example of an online stationery retailer, it would be simple to identify two broad potential customer personas:

    End Consumer — customers purchasing for themselves online

    Wholesale Accounts — wholesale buyers purchasing on behalf of businesses that will stock the stationery in their own retail stores (online or flagship)

    We can see from the ‘personas’ listed above that we have a vague idea about their roles in the purchasing cycle, but that’s about the extent of it. We need to build on these personas to humanise them, and get a better understanding of their holistic relationship with our product.

    2. Look Towards Analytics and Layer Results

    Now that we’ve established at least a few customer personas, it’s time to flesh them out with qualitative and quantitative data.

    So where can we find/gather this information?

    • Google Analytics Audience Reports
    • Facebook Insights
    • Social Media Listening Tools e.g. Hootsuite, Tweetdeck etc.
    • Customer Surveys & Polls
    • Industry/Market Reports
    • Customer Interviews/Support & Feature Requests (note: you should have a streamlined way of capturing and sharing this information with your team)
    • In-Product Analytics

    After looking through all of this information, trying to answer some of the discovery questions we mentioned earlier, you’ll need to look for commonality between datasets. Think of it this way:

    The customer personas you and your team were able to broadly define are attached to funnels. Once you and your team find commonality in data sets, feed this information down the funnel of the customer persona it relates to (perhaps this is a completely new customer persona that you and your team didn’t know that you had).

    By the end of the exercise, you and your team should have a pretty good idea of who your customers are, and how to best service them, communicate with them, build solutions for them etc.

    Once these personas have been developed, they should live somewhere where the whole team can see them.

    Don’t be afraid to sit at your desk and think “What would Sam the System Administrator think about this new feature? Would she use it? How would she communicate its benefits to her team? What are some of the problems Sam may encounter on first use?” etc.

    Easy Agile Personas for Jira

    Interested in capturing your customer personas alongside your backlog in Jira?

    Easy Agile Personas for Atlassian Jira - A customer centric approach to backlog grooming

    Try Easy Agile Personas for Jira free from the Atlassian Marketplace.

    Need help getting started with Easy Agile Personas? Check out our documentation, or get in touch with one of the Easy Agile Partners.

  • Workflow

    An Intro to Affinity Mapping: Grouping Data and Finding Solutions

    Brainstorming as a group can generate a ton of ideas, but what do you do with all of those ideas after you’ve come up with them? How do you organize an entire team’s ideas? How do you narrow down the best solution? And how do you document the ideation session so you don’t lose any data? Never fear — affinity mapping is here. 🗺

    Affinity mapping is an agile technique that helps teams reach a consensus after a brainstorming session, usability testing, or user research survey. It’s most helpful when you have a large amount of data to sort and when you need to distill all of that data into specific solutions the whole team agrees on.

    Continue reading to learn more about affinity mapping, including when to use the maps, the benefits of affinity maps, and how to run an affinity mapping session.

    What is affinity mapping?

    Affinity mapping is an agile technique used to solve problems by distilling many ideas into the best solution or path forward. The exercise is designed to quickly get teams on the same page about a problem that needs to be solved.

    Typically, affinity mapping occurs after a large group brainstorming exercise during which many team members and sometimes clients or stakeholders have given their input.

    All of the team's ideas are added to sticky notes, which are organized somewhere for everyone to see. The team groups similar solutions until natural relationships form. Everyone involved in the session is able to see various paths forward, which can be discussed and narrowed down to the best solution.

    Try affinity mapping whenever:

    • A problem needs to be solved as a group
    • The team has struggled to reach a consensus
    • There’s an issue or problem that’s too complex or tough to grasp
    • You need to reach one solution that everyone on the team will buy into
    • Large amounts of data need to be sorted
    • Data or survey results need to be analyzed
    • A project or product is in a state of chaos

    The activity sparks initial discussion on problems that are best solved by many minds coming together and agreeing on a course of action. Affinity diagramming is typically used in user experience design, UX research, and design thinking industries, but the practice can be implemented by any team that wants to distill information.

    The benefits of affinity mapping

    Affinity mapping provides a number of benefits for teams that need to solve a problem, sort large amounts of data, or reach a mutual consensus.

    Affinity mapping helps teams:

    • Prioritize what’s most important
    • Unlock ideas that hadn’t been considered before
    • Discover the “real” problem
    • Work together to solve a problem (team building)
    • Empathize with users or customers on common pain points
    • Utilize multiple minds
    • Reach a consensus together
    • Make decisions without using up too much of anyone’s time
    • Establish a safe environment to flesh out touchy or conflict-fueled discussions
    • Facilitate equal participation, even from those who speak up less
    • Involve stakeholders and clients in the discussion and agile process

    The step-by-step process for affinity mapping

    You can use affinity diagrams for a variety of reasons. They are commonly used to sort a large number of ideas after a brainstorming session or to make sense of data after usability testing, user interviews, or other user research.

    Brainstorm ideas or collect data

    The first step (or preemptive step) to affinity mapping is collecting your data points. If you are trying to solve a problem or make sense of a project, this will involve running a brainstorming session as a group. Make sure everyone starts solo when brainstorming to ensure no one is influenced by other people’s ideas before they’ve come up with their own.

    It can help to frame whatever problem you are trying to solve into a “how might we” statement. For example, “how might we get younger audiences to use our product” or “how might we double last year’s sales goals.”

    If you’re working with research findings for your session, you instead need to transcribe all of the qualitative data so that it can be organized and sorted during the mapping session.

    Post the ideas or data for everyone to see

    Take all of the ideas everyone came up with and put them on individual index cards, or use a separate sticky to represent each point on a whiteboard or wall. It’s important the surface you choose is visible to everyone.

    Begin grouping data

    As you add each point to the main wall, sort them into related groups. Organize the clusters naturally, combining or separating clusters as branching ideas form.

    Don’t discard any duplicate thoughts, as these will help you visualize how popular an idea is. Continue to add to the board until every sticky note or card has a reasonable place on the visible wall.

    Use a “parking lot” for ideas you can't sort

    Create an area along the side of your wall called a “parking lot” for any ideas that don’t fit into a cluster. As you continue to build and sort the board of ideas, you may find reasonable spots for them.

    Assess and name each category

    Assess your clusters. Are there any clusters too similar to one another that could be joined together to create a larger group? Are there any clusters with too many branching ideas that should be separated into smaller groups?

    Once you’ve completed your sorting and thematic analysis, it’s time to name each category. Don’t take too much time on this part. The category name just needs to generally describe the ideas inside the cluster. If you need to, vote on the best name to ensure too much time isn’t spent debating.

    Vote and make decisions

    If you’re analyzing a collection of data, you can now document the findings. What categories have the most data points? What connections do you see between clusters? What observations can you make from common themes?

    Before dismantling the map, ensure you document everything with photographs so you can go back to the affinity map at any time to gather more insights.

    If you’ve arranged ideas from a brainstorming session, it’s time to discuss the possible solutions and vote on the best option. Placing each solution category on an impact effort matrix helps the team visualize where their effort would be best spent. You can also work through different forms of voting, such as dot voting or the hundred dollar test.

    Affinity mapping for remote teams

    old man

    Many of the teams and businesses we work with are remote, which means getting into one room to collaborate around a bunch of Post-its isn’t an option. Luckily, there are plenty of online tools that make affinity mapping possible for remote teams.

    You can create an affinity diagram template and follow nearly all of the same steps for affinity mapping by using online collaborative design thinking tools like Mural.

    Affinity mapping brings teams together for a collaborative experience. It’s a simple process that ends with a consensus around the best solution or path forward. It’s especially helpful for complex problems, bottlenecks, or times when the team needs to get on the same page.

    More From Easy Agile

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