Ownership at Easy Agile

💬 “We know we’ve created something special, an ESOP like no other…”
Nick and I started Easy Agile after returning home to Australia from living and working in San Francisco where we witnessed the good and not-so-good sides of startups.
We were lucky to experience first-hand the amazing career opportunities and growth that working for successful companies such as Atlassian and Twitter can provide. On the other hand, we also saw companies start-up, consume vast amounts of funding and flame out. There was a terrible toll taken on our founder friends and their families who put life balance aside in pursuit of success at any cost.
We took all of this into consideration when we started Easy Agile. We didn't want to default to the standard VC-backed journey so we set our own pace. We wanted to learn what it was to build a customer-funded, sustainable growth product business, even if that meant a more difficult learning curve as we carved our own path.
Well, that was 6 years ago and here we are happily customer-funded for over 5 of those years, growing at an exciting rate, we believe is healthy and sustainable. We're proud that we're bootstrapped and we're not really looking to change that.
💬 “We can do things differently”
One part of the common startup playbook which we did want to retain is employee ownership. We have been dying to introduce an ESOP for a long time, however, being bootstrapped and customer-funded makes creating an Employee Share Option Plan a bit more complicated. Off-the-shelf plans are usually based around the concept of a planned (or hoped for) exit event, as it’s the only time cash-burning companies can realise value for shareholders. This would not work for us and we were looking to provide a more accessible way for our team to realise the value gains as we grow.
We also knew in our hearts that our ESOP had to be a reflection of Easy Agile's values. We understand the wonderful people that make up Easy Agile are all at different stages of their careers and have different needs financially so we designed our ESOP to take this into consideration.
Our ESOP also had to be generous. Nick and I really want to continue to pay forward the generosity we’ve been privileged to experience and enable our entire Easy Agile team to have the opportunity to achieve financial freedom. We hope one day many of our Easy Agile team will find themselves as founders of successful companies and continue this tradition with their own ESOPs. 🤞
Now our ESOP is live, we know we’ve created something special, an ESOP like no other. There’s no standard template for what we’ve built as very few startups or scale-ups in Australia are in our position. We’re growing fast, we’re profitable and we aren’t constrained by investor demands.
It means we can do things differently.
How the Easy Agile ESOP is different
1. Generous valuation from the start
For our initial grant of options, we valued Easy Agile using a super-low valuation. This gives our initial option grant the highest immediate appreciation of value on paper we can give.
This type of valuation based on our "Net Tangible Assets" (NTA) is made possible by the Australian Start-up Tax Concessions. Being a software company, our assets are limited to the cash in our bank and some laptops. We have no debt.
At the same time, we also have a “Fair Market Value “(FMV) calculated similarly to other SaaS companies. It worked out that our NTA valuation for our initial grant was 44 times lower than our FMV valuation meaning by accepting your options, on paper, your options are already worth 44 times more than you will ever pay to exercise them.
We feel this is pretty special.
2. Real $ value for our team more often through an Option Buy-Back
We understand that our team members all have different needs financially. Some have mortgages. Others want to buy a house. Others are happy to rent and invest in other things.
We’ve ensured our team has the opportunity to realise an exit at a time more suitable to their personal needs.
Our Option buy-back scheme allows Easy Agile, to offer to buy back vested options from our team at the Fair Market Value. Our team can choose to take advantage of the company’s growth and turn some of their Options into cash far more readily than waiting for an exit event (IPO, secondary, sale, etc). This is a profoundly different concept from most SaaS companies. They can also choose to hold onto their Options for the long-term gains we all work together to achieve.
3. Dividends
Most SaaS product companies don't really get to a dividend issuing phase. They simply don’t have the profits available. Once again, we're different here. We have a sustainable growth trajectory enabling Nick and I to issue dividends to shareholders over the course of the life of Easy Agile. We will continue to do this in the future and so Easy Agile shareholders will benefit long-term with dividends and voting rights that come with Ordinary shares.
4. You can nominate a trust
We allow you to nominate a trust to hold your share-holding. Nick and I are fans of getting serious about financial planning and literacy (just ask our team!). We wanted to give our team the most flexibility we could, so we allow for our team members to nominate a trust to receive their options instead of themselves personally.
What’s next?
We’re thrilled to be at this stage in our journey as it enables Nick and I to better reward the team who have built Easy Agile with us.
We’re even more excited about the journey ahead. We have big plans, the ability to invest in our team, our products, our growth and most importantly the impact we are having for our customers.
We’re always hiring so please reach out if you want to be part of the team that’s leading the way in helping companies around the world be agile.
💬 “We hope one day many of our Easy Agile team will find themselves as founders of successful companies and continue this tradition with their own ESOPs”
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How we work at Easy Agile
Easy Agile’s purpose is to find a better way to work. Back in 2018 we consciously acknowledged that what got us here👇🏼, won’t get us there 👉🏼. In other words, we have to change to achieve our goals. The real challenge is to proactively seek change rather than being forced into it.
"We believe there is a better way to work"
What got us here
When Easy Agile (then Arijea) first started out in 2016, Nick and I would spend a full third of our day discussing what we were going to do and how we were going to do it, (which is a pretty good idea when you don’t know what you’re doing!). It was these conversations, along with reading Thinking Fast and Slow, Deep Work and Small Giants which formed the basis of some of our company values and how we work at Easy Agile. We still talk a lot, not quite a third of the day, but it’s more around how we’ll work, rather than what we’ll work on.
A quick history: 2016 - 2018
A lot happened in the first few years of Easy Agile’s existence. We created some successful products, travelled around the world to Atlassian events and generally had a bunch of fun. We also built huge backlogs of work we’d never, ever start, let alone finish.
Back then our situation was a little different to most other software companies. We had more products than developers! At one point we had 5 products and 1 developer. This improved to 3 developers and 2 products, but even still, our internal systems and other non-customer-facing work never seemed to get started.
These early years were chaotic, which was entirely my fault. It was my reluctance to give up coding that meant I was lost in the weeds rather than zooming out and attempting to build a fantastic team. We were just plodding on, looking at our shoes and getting distracted by little things instead of stopping, reflecting and committing to our core purpose. I needed to change my ways to help the team improve. Thankfully I remembered a really cool video which eventually would become the impetus for me changing my focus from code to the team...
I’ve watched this video countless times over past few years. Every time I do, it makes me feel so lucky that I worked at Atlassian and was able to partake in ShipIt and Innovation Weeks. I highly recommend you take the time to watch it if you haven’t already.
The importance of Autonomy, Master and Purpose
The ideas this video presents around autonomy, mastery and purpose propelled me to think beyond simply how we work to think about the reasons why we work. Naturally, the first thing that comes to mind is money. Having enough money is vital to live a fulfilling life (which I’m proud to say we strive to provide at Easy Agile), however, as covered in the video above, more money is not necessarily a great motivator. It’s autonomy, mastery and purpose which provide that.
So whilst I was taking a step back to create a better way of working, I figured we may as well try to bake in autonomy, mastery and purpose along with a provision to prevent some undesirables from creeping in. The main culprits I had in my sights are bureaucracy, red tape, sacred cows, legacy systems and politics.
If you’re going to the effort to building an amazing team of talented people, taking time out of their lives to work for you, the last thing you want to do is get in their way with pointless rituals which just stifle their creativity and waste their time!
Gaining perspective by zooming out
Being a software company, Easy Agile’s heart beat is our software development process. However nowadays we do so much more than develop software. All of our team communicate directly with our customers daily via customer support, we have fantastic marketers, product managers and a data analyst. We needed a way of working which went beyond backlogs and estimation and brought everyone together to push in unison towards our goals.
We do our best work together in cross-functional teams so I wanted to bake that in from the start, rather than build silos as we grew. We started out by having everyone work off one backlog and scheduled all of our work in Jira (including Sean, our first marketing hire). However, as you can guess, this doesn’t scale. The details discussed at our planning sessions became irrelevant to most of the team. We ended up only skimming over most of the details which made planning and estimation mostly irrelevant.
In early 2019 I made it my mission to get serious about finding a better way to work. So I stopped coding (it was frightful founder-code anyway). Since then we’ve been through four revisions of our development process. We’ve even made “finding a better way to work” our motto.
The details of this transformation is beyond the scope of this blog post, however, let’s just say that we’ve gone from a chaotic, unmanaged backlog to a far more organised and considered approach to work. The current revision of our development process allows us to work on (and dogfood) our products and our internal systems simultaneously. It scales with us as we grow, encourages cross-functional teams and bakes in our company values as well as autonomy, mastery and purpose for all team members.
Shape Up by Basecamp forms the foundation of how we work
I was first made aware of Basecamp’s Shape Up in a comment Nick made on a blog post I wrote announcing one of the aforementioned revisions of our development process. It was 4 months later when I’d started my hunt in earnest for a better way to work that I remembered it and, upon re-reading it, felt it might just work.
In Shape Up you work in 6 week cycles which is just long enough to do something tangible, but short enough not to feel that the deadline is too far away. This is followed by a 2 week “cool down” where everyone is free to fix bugs, try out something new and gather themselves for the next six week cycle. At Easy Agile, we already worked in a “product” cycle, where we would focus on one product after another, so this idea fit in well.
Six weeks is long enough to build something meaningful start-to-finish and short enough that everyone can feel the deadline looming from the start, so they use the time wisely. The majority of our new features are built and released in one six-week cycle.
Shape Up goes on to propose the concept of “pitches” and “bets”. A pitch is a refined description of a feature or change large enough to have a meaningful impact on the company if it is successfully delivered.
Shape Up takes its name from the “shaping” process applied to forming a pitch. Shaping a pitch is simply taking the time to focus on the problem and define a good solution. You are encouraged to pull in people you trust to “hammer the scope” of your pitch so it is very clear what it does and does not do. This appeals to our “Engage System 2” and “Commit, as a team” values.
I’m not a betting type of person, and seeing as that viewpoint seemed fairly prevalent in the team, we came up with an alternative vernacular: Opportunity.
What is an opportunity?
Opportunities ratify the work of our Product Managers. They may take up to four weeks or longer to shape which is in stark contrast to other workplaces where product managers are responsible for “feeding the beast” (finding, or making up, work to keep the development team at full capacity).
Opportunities represent either 2 or 4 weeks of work. Anything less and it’s probably not really worth doing, or it is a small improvement, which is done by our Small Improvements team (more on that later).
Our cycle
Where Shape Up’s cycle is a total of eight weeks, we’re currently experimenting with a six week cycle. We have four weeks of work on Opportunities followed by a week of paying down Technical Debt, go to market and final Opportunity shaping. We round out with a couple of Dash Days (more on that later too).
1. How we shape and select Opportunities
Shaping opportunities primarily falls on the shoulders of our Product Managers, Teagan and Elizabeth. Anyone can raise an Opportunity ticket in Jira, but by doing so it also means taking complete ownership of guiding it through development, testing, production and monitoring its health and metrics after launch. For this reason we usually recommend working with a product manager to flesh it out.
The process of shaping and scope hammering is generally done with a few collaborators who can provide perspective on all of the moving parts involved in what you’re attempting to do.
Currently we attempt to select the Opportunities which will put Easy Agile in the best possible position to achieve our goals (aka our quarterly and annual OKRs). Opportunities which are not properly scoped or shaped will be sent back to the drawing board to come back around in another 6 weeks.
We are currently exploring how we can improve the Opportunity selection process. The betting table meeting described in Shape Up is one way to select what to work on, however we feel there is a better way which we haven’t quite put our finger on yet. Ideally each Opportunity will help us move towards of one or more of our top-line goals. Baking our OKRs into our work planning keeps them at top of mind throughout the year.
2. Opportunity team formation
The autonomy part of our development process really sings when it comes to team formation. With only one exception**, all teams are self-selected and formed of exactly three development team members (a senior, mid and junior team member - something we are still actively hiring for). Team members from product management, data analysis and marketing join to create truly cross-functional teams. This means when the Opportunity goes live, all of the required marketing material, documentation and other non-development work is ready to be rolled out allowing us to move on to Tech Debt / Go to Market / Shaping Week.
We chose three team members per Opportunity as this allows each team to self-serve their own pull requests. Our pull requests require at least two approvals to be merged. Having three team members reduces the disturbances and context switching being forced onto other teams.
**A small team works on bugs and small improvements on a 2 week Opportunity which is always selected. The team members for this team work on a rotation so everyone gets their go.
3. Tech Debt / Go to Market / Shaping and Selection week (yes - we need a better name)
In the week following the completion of our 4 weeks of Opportunity work, the development team takes a week to focus on technical debt or improving their development environment. We also use this week as a rollover buffer to close out any work which was not completed in the Opportunity weeks. We try to keep rollover to a bare minimum.
The marketing team will roll out any of the initiatives they built in the prior four weeks to support any new features which were shipped.
The Product Management team will crack on with finishing up the shaping of their Opportunities and have them ready to work through with the team for the next Opportunity cycle.
4. Dash Days
Dash days (formerly Inception Week) is a period of freedom and autonomy to work on a pursuit of your choosing which, when successful, will ideally lead us to think “How did we live without this before!?”. They are essentially a mix of ShipIt / Innovation Weeks / 20% Time which I experienced at Atlassian. They’re a great avenue to release the creativity of our team.
Some recent successful Dash Days projects.
- Easy Agile Personas
- Our Dev Container vscode setup
- “Mr. Tulip” (our Slack bot which almost does everything)
- In-product NPS
- The Easy Agile Podcast
- Our deployment dashboard (showing the number of days since a Cloud or On-premise deployment)
- Powering our website with Sanity.io CMS
- ea-kit (our own component library)
- A new random forest churn model to better understand our customers frustrations
- Our own logo/brand design framework
As you can see, there’s a great deal of diversity in the Dash Days projects we have shipped. Shipping is not a requirement of Dash Days, though. Quite often it’s best to take some time to try out some new ideas or build a prototype to put in front of customers.
A great example of that is a feature refinement developed by Sam and Angad, two of our newest front-end developers. They worked with our Product team to build a new way to create issue dependencies in Easy Agile Programs. Their definition of done was not releasing to production, but to get it on a test server which we used for customer interviews run by our Product Managers, Teagan and Elizabeth. The following Dash Days Sam and Angad took this feedback, refined the feature with the product teams' help and shipped a version to the Cloud version of Easy Agile Programs. So far the new dependency creation approach appears to be 10 times more popular! Success!
Dash Days is also a great time for team members to take advantage of their $5000 Learning and Development budget which each team member receives every year.
Shaping a new way to work
Introducing a Shape Up flavoured process here at Easy Agile has allowed us to gain focus and certainty in the work we choose to take on. It allows us to have long term goals without the need to build inflexible roadmaps. Our Product Managers are encouraged to take the time they need to focus and design amazing new solutions for our customers. The 6 week cycle grants us the flexibility to react to external changes or take advantage of new opportunities which arise without derailing the plans for the remainder of the year. We can take the learnings from our past Opportunities and feed them into the plan for the next, increasing our chances of success.
Easy Agile’s development teams are flexible and choose who they work with and what they work on. We constantly pay down tech debt and shun red tape, legacy systems and sacred cows. We work in cross-functional and fluid teams.
We’ve been able to adopt Shape Up and bake in things like Dash Days and our company values. We love that the way we work allows us (and encourages us) to stop, take a breath and express our creativity every 6 weeks. Tech Debt Week and Dash Days are also a great way to increase the focus of our development team on their main projects by deferring any small tasks which interrupt and distract them.
We believe a steady, life-inclusive and balanced approach where we bring our whole selves to work each day is better than burning ourselves out in the pursuit of unrealistic deadlines.
And finally, as we grow, we know that the system which runs Easy Agile will continue to change to help us find a better way to work.
- Agile Best Practice
How Practicing Kindness Creates High Performing Agile Teams
Psychological safety is the key to high-performing teams. But how is it created?
Agility is the response to a complicated situation where unknowns override the knowns. A high-performing team is one where all members have their say, and there are multiple decision-makers. Psychological safety is the belief that the workplace is safe for speaking up about ideas, concerns or even failures.
But where does kindness fit in?
Kindness is the foundation for psychological safety.
Kindness is essential at each of the first three stages of Dr Timothy R. Clark 4 Stages of Psychological Safety model.
Stage 1: Inclusion Safety
Humans long to feel accepted before they need to be heard. As a leader, you can create inclusion by showing kindness by being aware, sensitive and curious about an employee’s life. A good starting place is; how was your weekend? How is the family this week? Have you got any exciting celebrations coming up? You seem a bit quiet today, is everything okay?
Stage 2: Learner Safety
Humans need to ask questions, give and receive feedback, and make mistakes whilst feeling safe. Showing kindness creates the trust to do so.
Stage 3: Contributor Safety
Humans need to feel safe to participate as team members. A commitment to kindness ensures greater information flow, higher quality connections at work, and an increase in collaboration.
Individuals thrive in environments with psychological safety. Fear triggers the self-censoring instinct, holding us back. When the environment nurtures psychological safety, there is an increase in confidence, engagement, and high performance.
3 Tips for Implementing Kindness in Your Team Today
Tip 1: Model kindness yourself. No matter your role, kindness is contagious. If you start acting kindly, this will soon spread to your whole team. You can serve with kindness by listening, working with forgiveness, offering a helping hand, showing concern, or celebrating significant events in a coworker's life.
To celebrate random acts of kindness day and live our Give Back company value, our team donated to Kind Hearts Illawarra.
Tip 2: Incorporate kindness into your team's ceremonies. Each team member can say one thing they are grateful for in the morning huddle. Each ceremony can leave room to give thanks to a fellow team member. At Easy Agile, we put this into practice by encouraging everyone to share a 'good thing' each day.
Tip 3: Implement Good Thnx in your company Slack. The Good Thnx Foundation provides a link between people and corporates that want to give and charities. As our team send “thanks” to one another, the recipient is given $50 to donate to a charity of their choice. Our contribution via Good Thnx for FY21 was $15,201.
Simply put, be kind today; it is free and enables high-performing agile teams!
- Agile Best Practice
12 Agile Principles to Motivate Your Team and Delight Your Customers
At Easy Agile, we embrace agile principles (of course), and we strive to help software development teams put agile methodologies into practice. However, with so much to get done each day, it's easy to lose sight of the core principles of the agile manifesto.
You're probably thinking that you read the agile principles before and now put them into practice...all day, every day. Why do we need to revisit them?
You don't need to memorize the principles. They're much more of a guiding light than a rote process. But lining up the agile principles against your everyday agile practices provides reinforcement that you're putting them into action. This also helps you identify areas for improvement. 🙌
The continued relevance of the agile manifesto's principles
The agile manifesto focuses on:
- Continuous improvement by responding to feedback and change
- Allowing software developers and cross-functional teams to organize in a way that embraces collaboration and interaction
- Involving customers in the development process and responding to their feedback
The manifesto outlines 12 agile principles which are the bread and butter of agile software development. We'd like to provide practical context to these agile principles, so we're going to organize them into three categories — building working software by being organized, helping teams collaborate, and tactics for keeping customers happy.
Getting organized so you can build working software
The first few agile principles we'll review revolve around the concept of working software — a product your customers can use as early in the software development process as possible. You’ll adapt it as you get feedback about what’s working well and what could be improved. This is in contrast to a waterfall methodology to development, which is a more linear approach that typically does not allow for iterative updates.
Creating working software you can continuously update is one goal. But, that's easier said than done without the help of purpose-built tools like Jira, whose goal is to help agile teams manage their chosen agile framework, whether it be Kanban or Scrum. (You can read our guide on the differences between Kanban and Scrum...or how to use them together. 💪)
Now, let’s look at which of the 12 agile principles fall into this category — #3, #7, and #8 — and how Jira helps implement a framework that adheres to them.
Agile principle #3
"Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale."
Atlassian (the makers of Jira) sums up the embodiment of this principle perfectly in its definition of a sprint: "A sprint is a short, time-boxed period when a Scrum team works to complete a set amount of work."
While agile sprints run over a short period of time, running them smoothly takes a lot of work for product owners and software developers. Luckily, Jira provides ways to streamline that work — check out our guide on automating parts of your sprint.
Agile principle #7
"Working software is the primary measure of progress."
Sprints can help you ensure that your team delivers working software incrementally. If planned well enough, a sprint can serve as a stopping point for the release of your next batch of features and functionality to your end-users.
Agile principle #8
"Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely."
Agile frameworks like Scrum can help measure if a team is maintaining a consistent pace. Within sprints, effort can be measured in different ways like agile story points. As sprints are completed, Jira automatically creates a visual report of how many story points a team is completing from sprint to sprint in its velocity chart.
Time for team collaboration
You're an agile team delivering working software and using a super-tool like Jira to plan your work and track your progress. But you need a human touch to truly follow agile values. Please welcome agile principles #4, #6, #11, #5, and #12 to the stage.
Agile principle #4
"Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project."
Daily stand up meetings are a manifestation of this principle. In this meeting, each team member addressed three topics: (1) what they worked on yesterday; (2) what they're working on today; and (3) what is preventing them from making progress today.
Agile principle #6
"The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation."
Whether it's in an in-person or remote meeting, conveying information is tricky — but (phew) we've already addressed that with practices like daily sprints and velocity charts to exchange information across team members and to visually review team progress. And you'll soon see other ways that agile software development teams organize and communicate with each other.
Agile principle #11
"The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams."
Well, first, what exactly is a self-organizing team? It does not need outside direction or micromanagement to figure out what to work on and how that work gets defined and prioritized. These teams figure out how to plan their work, iterate to deliver that work, and then collaborate on how to continually improve. The agile ceremonies of Scrum — stand up, sprint planning, sprint review, and retrospective — are a working example of this.
Agile principle #5
"Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done."
Ok, so we went out of order on this principle — but for good reason. Following principle #11 makes sense because good self-organized teams are inherently motivated. They work together to figure out how to get the job done and to help each other when someone is stuck. That said, it's important to have defined roles in an agile team, like a Scrum master who can motivate and give feedback to team members.
Agile principle #12
"At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly."
This principle perfectly describes a retrospective — a team meeting to reflect on your most recent sprint or iteration of work and to discuss how to improve for the next one. By answering these questions: (1) What went well?; (2) What could have gone better?; and (3) What can we adjust to improve for next time? your team is collaborating and interacting in an effort to become more effective.
Achieving customer satisfaction
Last, but certainly not least, in the agile principles are customer needs. Who is your customer? What are their needs? How do you respond to their feedback to make sure you provide a working product that they love? Enter principles #1, #2, #9, and #10.
Agile principle #1
"Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software."
It turns out that to satisfy your customer, you need to understand who your customer is. 😉 This takes work. A proven methodology for figuring out who your customers are is to create customer personas. These are fictionalized profiles of your customers that document things like their behavioral patterns, their shared pain points, and what their general demographic information looks like.
Agile principle #2
"Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage."
Requirements can't be effectively changed unless they are defined and made visible to stakeholders for feedback. Even if that feedback causes change late in a development cycle, that's ok! (You'll probably also receive change-inducing feedback on the working software you've already delivered. 😎) Tools like a product roadmap or a user story map that provide visual views of your product backlog help give your customers and stakeholders a platform to have the ability to provide feedback.
Agile principle #9
"Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility."
One word: retrospective.
Ok, two more words: sprint review.
In the context of principle #9, the retrospective and sprint review are two agile ceremonies to use to continually adjust your software's quality and design to best meet your customers’ needs.
Agile principle #10
"Simplicity–the art of maximizing the amount of work not done–is essential."
Imagine you had views of your customer profiles (personas), a visual mapping of their journey through your product (user story map), and a prioritized view of your plan to deliver your product (roadmap). What a time to be alive! If you're doing all three, chances are your team has pretty great insights into whether or not you're getting the right work done. 💪
Putting the 12 agile principles into action
Now you understand how the agile principles have been formed into agile frameworks and how tools like Jira can help agile teams run with those frameworks. We've also mentioned three effective ways to put these principles into action, and our products make it easy to do.
- Easy Agile TeamRhythm supports agile teams from planning through to review with features that support user story mapping, backlog refinement, sprint and version planning, and team retrospectives.
- Easy Agile Personas for Jira provides teams with a customer-centric approach to backlog refinement.
- Easy Agile Roadmaps for Jira gives visual insights for teams and stakeholders around the vision and plan for a product.
- Easy Agile Programs is a complete PI Planning solution that makes scaled cross-team planning and execution easy.
Check out all of our agile solutions in Atlassian's marketplace!